The anthem of the Russian Federation is the state symbol of the country along with the coat of arms and flag. The music of the modern version of the anthem was written in 1944 by the composer A. Alexandrov and approved by I. Stalin as the anthem of the USSR. The first version of the text was written by the poets S. Mikhalkov and G. El-Registan.

It is necessary
- - piano or button accordion;
- - choir or soloist.
Step 1
By order of Stalin, the work of Alexandrov, Mikhalkov and El-Registan became a replacement for the Internationale in 1944. However, among the candidates for the role of the anthem authors were such venerable musicians and poets as D. Shostakovich, A. Khachaturyan, M. Svetlov, E. Dolmatovsky other. The new work was more in line with the national mentality and reflected the mood of the era. The first edition of the text shows the influence of the so-called Stalin personality cult.
Step 2
In 1956, the regular congress of the CPSU abolished the poetic text. Since then and until 1977, the national anthem was performed only in instrumental arrangement, without a chorus. But when the Constitution was adopted, the text was returned in a new edition. S. Mikhalkov removed the mention of the leader.
Step 3
Since 1990, Aleksandrov's anthem was replaced by Glinka's work “Patriotic Song, first as the anthem of the RSFSR, then as the first anthem of the Russian Federation. The text for this work was never written. In addition, a large number of fans of the old anthem remained among the country's population. In 2000, the old music returns with a new version of the text, also written by S. Mikhalkov.
Step 4
The official version of the anthem is arranged for symphony orchestra and mixed choir. However, thanks to the bright, solemn melody of the upper voice, the hymn is often sung by the soloist. The presence of all three groups of instruments (strings, winds, percussion) is also not necessary: at their discretion, many groups make arrangements of the anthem. There are also arrangements for individual instruments. In particular, at the end of the article three versions of the arrangement are indicated: traditional, for a capella choir (unaccompanied) and for button accordion. The latter can be used for piano performance after minor editing.
Step 5
When singing the anthem, follow the general principles of playing the specific instrument and the principles of the genre. Distinctive features of such works are marching character, sublimity, solemnity. While playing the anthem, evoke a sense of pride for the country yourself and simply convey emotions through sounds. Since the piece is well-known, the reaction of the audience is predetermined.
Step 6
The popularity of the anthem also has a downside: if you play out of tune, you play the wrong chord, you will immediately hear it. Therefore, when learning the notes, be extremely careful and precise.