Each text requires correct and competent design - only then it looks beautiful and easy to read. However, not everyone knows even the simplest, elementary design rules, and in view of this, it is simply impossible to read the text, and its appearance only spoils the design of the entire site or work (term paper, thesis, etc.). The formatting of the text is of great importance, which is why we consider it appropriate to talk about how to format the chapters of the text and what rules should be taken into account in this case.

Step 1
Determine the paragraphs and precise boundaries of parts of the text. Each new part is and will be a new chapter, which must necessarily have its own title and be properly framed (aligned).
Step 2
Come up with a title for each chapter. Remember - the titles of chapters should not be repeated and should not be identical to the title of the topic or the entire work. With all this, it is important to know that the title of the chapter should most accurately reflect the essence (essence) of the text of the chapter itself and be small in size.
Step 3
Start writing the heading of each new chapter on a new sheet (page), centered. When formatting text on Internet sites, enclose the chapter title in h2 tags as follows: Title.
Step 4
Set the desired color for the chapter title. It can also be left black, but at the same time make the size 1-2 more than the text of the chapter itself, make it bold or select it using only capital letters.
Step 5
Leave a space after the chapter heading and write down the paragraph title, if available. If the chapters do not contain paragraphs, start with the red line to write the text of the chapter. In this case, each new part of the chapter should begin with a red line.
Step 6
The text of the chapter must be justified and have hyphenation, or be completely formatted without hyphenation. At the same time, important (most significant) phrases or expressions in the text can be highlighted using italics or bold type. The entire text of the chapter should be written in one type of font (usually Arial or Times New Roman), have the same font size and one line spacing throughout the text.
Step 7
If the chapter is divided into paragraphs, there should be indents between their titles and the text, and the title of the paragraph should be written with center alignment in bold or regular font.