There are people who recite poems by heart, and there are those who find it difficult to remember even the bus schedule. If you have a huge text in front of your eyes, and you do not know how to put it in your head, then follow our recommendations.

Step 1
Teach in the morning with a fresh mind, when she is not busy with everyday problems. In addition, scientists have proven that the brain is most active in the morning.
Step 2
Repeat what you have learned before bed. Usually the next morning the words fit into my head.
Step 3
Put yourself on a tape recording with the text when you go to work or ride in transport.
Step 4
There is such a GDD system. By the first letters, you can decipher this method: Basic thoughts, Careful reading, Review, Debugging. The main thing in the system is that you need not just read, as many are accustomed to, but ponder over the text! You must reread, repeat and retell it! First, you need to highlight the main thoughts of the text, then pay close attention to small details, try to connect the main words with secondary ones, turn on the method of associations. Next, you need to make a plan for the text. It is important to remember the sequence of the main thoughts.
Repeat the text from memory or tell a friend. Try to be as detailed as possible on the main points. Do not peep unless there is a special need for it. Re-read the text again and compare with the retold, the shortcomings need to be improved.
Step 5
The method of associations is excellent, correlate words and pictures in thoughts. And you can easily memorize text of any size. If there are abstract concepts in the text, then turn them into a real image of associations.
Step 6
For those with a well-developed visual perception, the pictogram method is suitable. These are the graphic images used to reproduce the complete picture.
You can also briefly take notes on text that you need to remember.
Step 7
You need to create a comfortable environment for yourself. It's bad when a neighbor screams behind the wall, or a fierce squeal of a cat is heard through an open window. Turn off your TV and radio. Sit in silence and read.
Step 8
Avoid cramming - you need to analyze and understand the text, not just memorize.