How To Make A Photo Frame

How To Make A Photo Frame
How To Make A Photo Frame

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If you turn on your imagination, you can make a beautiful photo frame from anything. Let's look in the closet for an old book and try to make an original photo frame out of it. Be sure to check that the book is not the first edition and that it is not a valuable copy of the book. It would be very sorry and unwise to spoil such a value.

It is necessary

  • An unnecessary hardcover book;
  • The photo;
  • Pencil or pen;
  • Stationery or any other sharp knife;
  • Scotch tape or glue;
  • As an addition - corners for photo albums.


Step 1

Look for an old book with a colorful cover. Open it, attach the photo you want to cover to the inside of the book cover. Trace the outlines of the photo with a pencil or pen.

Step 2

With a clerical or any other sharp knife, carefully draw along the drawn lines. This should be done with pressure, but so as not to cut through the cover. Now peel off the cardboard section of the book cover, leaving the paper cover intact.

Step 3

Then poke a small hole in the cover paper of the book cover, leaving a border around the frame about 2.5 cm. Then cut the corners of the cover paper diagonally. Bend the edges and glue them against the inside of the book cover or thread them around. This will give you a neat-looking frame hole.

Step 4

Make an extra white photo frame from your old book ready.
