Nightclubs have a very interesting light and atmosphere. Resting there with friends, sometimes you want to save a photo from this meeting as a souvenir. There are a number of techniques for capturing stunning images under these conditions.

It is necessary
Step 1
Club lighting is often very specific. The room is quite dark, and some surfaces are illuminated with bright rays, which gives contrasting areas with light. People are most often on the move. All these conditions determine a number of features when choosing an exposure.
Step 2
If you own a compact camera, then the best solution would be to shoot in automatic mode in low light. These can be modes such as Party, Night Scene, Fireworks, Candlelight Portrait, and the like. It must be understood that this type of technique does not cope very well with the specific difficult conditions of club lighting.
Step 3
To get quality pictures from parties, get a modern DSLR camera and an external flash. Use zoom lenses that allow you to shoot at a variety of focal lengths, from wide angle to telephoto. Choose fast optics.
Step 4
With the flash turned off, you can try some simple and effective tricks. Try to shoot a wide shot to depict a large number of people and rays sliding along them. Extend your lens to the widest angle possible. Switch to aperture priority mode (A, Av) and shoot in RAW only. The aperture value must be set to the minimum. Look at the shutter speed that the camera picks up to the aperture. Raise the ISO until the shutter speed is 1/45 second or faster. From 1/30 - 1/15 you can try to remove the "wiring". To do this, accompany the moving person at the moment of shooting, trying to move the camera in sync with him. You can set a long exposure and purposely blur the picture by moving the camera vigorously to create a surreal pattern.
Step 5
It is advisable to shoot people and portraits with a flash. It will help to evenly illuminate the scene, which is especially important for the sharpness of the image and the correct lighting of faces. That being said, there are several basic options for experimentation. Loosen the flash intensity in the flash settings, otherwise all the objects in the background will be too dark, but the main details of the shot may be very washed out. Adjust the power of the pulse so that people are illuminated, but the natural light of the club remains. In such shooting, direct the flash directly at the subject; it is possible to use diffuser attachments. The club is an exception, when it is better not to direct the flash to the ceiling and other surfaces reflecting its light.
Step 6
The flash has two modes of synchronization - first or second curtain. The latter mode guarantees you sharpness and natural colors, bringing the subject to be shot closer to its real image. First-curtain sync allows you to create very interesting lighting effects. Turn it on and set a slow shutter speed, for example, 1/2 second. After the flash fires, move the camera in an arbitrary direction. This should be done pretty quickly, since you only have half a second.
Step 7
The main thing in club photography is more takes. Diversify angles, watch what is happening and try to catch the most opportune moment.