Roses can grow not only in the garden, but also in the room, in pots. At the same time, they bloom no worse. Of course, not all varieties will take root in the apartment; for this, special indoor roses have been bred. If you take proper care of the flower, it will delight you with exuberant flowering for a long time.

Indoor roses are almost the same as garden roses, only much smaller than the size of the bush. But their flowers are bright, of the most varied colors and with a pleasant aroma, appear on the plant from early spring to late autumn.
A room rose should be kept in a brightly lit room, without drafts, at a moderate temperature. In winter, the plant needs peace and coolness, it is 5-8 ° C, in summer the rose grows and loves temperatures in the range of 14-20 ° C. Be sure to provide good lighting, otherwise the rose will give elongated pale shoots and small flowers, it may even not open the buds at all. When daylight hours begin to decrease, arrange backlighting with lamps.
Indoor roses love watering, so keep an eye on soil moisture. Wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth, spray the plant on sweltering summer days.
The soil should always be loose and nutritious, so repot the flower regularly in a new, larger pot with new soil. Loosen the soil periodically for better air penetration to the roots.
Before wintering, the roses are cut, leaving 5 buds on the shoot. You do not need to pick off the leaves. This procedure is carried out during the growth of the moon. After winter dormancy, roses quickly grow new shoots with buds and bloom all summer and autumn.