Plant Picking

Plant Picking
Plant Picking

To grow good and healthy seedlings, it is important to pick them. Of course, there are pros and cons, and you can do without it. To make the right choice in this matter, you should study all the advantages of a dive.

Plant picking
Plant picking

What is a pick?

It used to be thought that this term was used to call early planting of seedlings with a peg driven into the ground, so to speak, next to the peak. Now this term denotes a plant transplant with plucking of the main root. The transplant is carried out in separate containers to expand the root system, increase the nutrition and growth of the plant. A pick should be carried out when the plant acquires its own leaves.

Pros of picking:

  • After picking, the seedlings do not need to be thinned out.
  • Helps to select only healthy and strong seedlings. The underdeveloped and weak are thrown away.
  • A pick helps the plant to develop the root system well, to take root after transplantation. It also affects the amount of the crop. It increases significantly after going through this simple procedure.

It should be noted that not all plants tolerate picking well. For pumpkins and cucumbers, it is better to bypass this procedure. But tomato seedlings, a dive can be done twice.

Required equipment for a dive

To quickly complete this process, you need to acquire all the necessary equipment so that later you will not be distracted and not remember what you could have forgotten.

You will need:

  • Seedlings in trays;
  • A peg or fork for a dive;
  • The soil required for transplanting;
  • Separate containers.

And, of course, water, since the transplanted plant must be watered.
