How To Grow Mango From Seed At Home

How To Grow Mango From Seed At Home
How To Grow Mango From Seed At Home

Mango is an incredibly tasty and healthy fruit. In winter, you can buy it in almost any store. If you managed to feast on this food, do not rush to throw away the bone, because you can grow a pretty pretty tree from it.

How to grow mango from seed at home
How to grow mango from seed at home

Growing mango from seed

Growing a mango from a seed is not difficult at all, as it might seem at first glance. Moreover, if you create certain conditions for the plant (close to tropical), then the tree can grow impressive in size, and even begin to bear fruit. Of course, fruits will taste different from those grown in their native environment, but they will be just as useful. So, first of all, get the right fruit from the store. You should not take the first one that comes across, choose the most ripe, but rather overripe. When you come home, remove the bone from the fruit. This must be done carefully so as not to damage it. Usually in overripe fruits the edge of the stone is cracked, try to open the "shell" and remove its inner part.

The next stage is germination. Take filtered water at room temperature into a glass and place a bone in it. Place the container in a warm place and change the water every couple of days to keep it from sour. After about a week, a sprout and root will appear on the bone, so prepare after another three to four days to start planting it in the soil. To do this, purchase a citrus substrate at a flower shop (if there is none, then you can use a universal one). Fill a small pot with the substrate, make a depression in the middle of it and place the seed in it with the root down. Sprinkle it with earth, pour it with soft water at room temperature and place it in a warm, bright place.

Mango care

Make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out, but do not make a "swamp" in the pot, otherwise the plant will die. Since mango is a moisture-loving plant, spray it daily after the tree reaches 10 centimeters in height. Feed it every 10 days during spring and summer. It is worth noting that the mango does not need pruning, but if you want the tree to be more fluffy, then occasionally pinch its top until you achieve the desired result.
