How To Draw A Rose With Gouache

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How To Draw A Rose With Gouache
How To Draw A Rose With Gouache

Video: How To Draw A Rose With Gouache

Video: How To Draw A Rose With Gouache
Video: Easy Gouache Painting Roses for Beginners- step by step 2024, October

It is not difficult to depict a rose, and the drawing can turn out to be very beautiful and similar to the original. Try to paint with gouache - this technique allows you to delicately mask errors and inaccuracies without harming the picture and is ideal for aspiring artists.

How to draw a rose with gouache
How to draw a rose with gouache

It is necessary

  • - drawing paper;
  • - brushes of different widths;
  • - sharpened pencil;
  • - a set of gouache.


Step 1

Start with a pencil sketch. Draw a rose flower in the center of the leaf. Start with the center petals, which are tightly compressed into a bud. Gradually draw wide side petals, placing them in a circle. The outer petals should be wide open, their edges slightly turned outward. Do not draw bold lines - the pencil serves only as a guide for the future drawing.

Step 2

Take zinc white on a flat bristle brush and cover the surface of the sheet with it. White will serve as a primer and will form a thin translucent layer through which the contours of the drawing should be visible.

Step 3

Start painting the background. Using a wide brush, type in blue or red gouache and use arbitrary free strokes to apply it to the paper behind the contours of the flower. At the edges of the sheet, the color should be lighter; closer to the picture, its intensity increases. If the tone seems too dark for you, add white.

Step 4

At the bottom of the sheet, cover the background with strokes of dark green paint - this is a hint of rose leaves. They do not need detailed drawing - a hint of color is enough.

Step 5

Mix ocher with brown gouache and paint the eyeshadow on the inside of the flower. Select the core and adjacent petals. Dilute the ocher with white, add some red and mark the shadows on the middle part of the rose. Apply gouache from top to bottom with smooth, rounded strokes.

Step 6

Dilute the mixture even more with whitewash and start coloring the convex parts of the petals on which the light falls. Put some blue gouache into the pink-yellow mixture and paint the outer petals, which have a colder tone. Add a little pink paint to the white and go over the outside of the flower, applying wide, longitudinal strokes that simulate spots of light. Feather the edges of the highlights a little to make them look natural.

Step 7

Using a thin brush, take clean white and go over the protruding parts of the flower, increasing the light accents. Dampen the brush with brown gouache and gently darken the space between the petals. Intensify the shadow between the flower and the leaves - this will give the rose vividness and volume.
