How To Draw A Christmas Tree With Gouache

How To Draw A Christmas Tree With Gouache
How To Draw A Christmas Tree With Gouache

Table of contents:


Gouache paints differ from watercolors in their consistency and overlay features. There are several techniques for mixing them, but at the initial stage, all experiments with colors are best done on a palette.

How to draw a Christmas tree with gouache
How to draw a Christmas tree with gouache

It is necessary

  • - Paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - paints;
  • - brushes;
  • - a container with water.


Step 1

Since gouache lays down on a sheet of paper in a thick layer and easily hides the outlines of lines from a simple pencil under it, first outline the frame of the future tree. Carefully draw the trunk with thin strokes, and then sketch out the branches in the form of three to five triangles.

Step 2

Take blue with a brush and on the palette mix it with white until you get blue - this color will be required for the sky. Color in the top of the leaf, about 70-80% of its total area. Rinse the brush and dip it in white, mark the clouds with a few strokes.

Step 3

Draw the sun as a light yellow circle. The reflections of its rays must certainly play on air masses, for this add some pale yellow spots to the clouds, carefully connect their borders with white.

Step 4

At the bottom of the sheet, create a strip of earth. To do this, take a green paint, mix it with black-brown-yellow tones until you get the desired composition and apply the paint to the paper. Scoop up the green and with strokes towards the top of the leaf, create a semblance of grass.

Step 5

Take a dark green paint and fill in the triangles drawn with a simple pencil with it. Create a shade two tones lighter and shade the main part of the tree with strokes from top to base.

Step 6

Rinse the brush and dip it in yellow, use it to paint the bottom of each level of the tree. The lines should go from top to bottom and not too long, this will create a natural effect. As a result, each triangle will have a gradient: the vertex will be painted in dark tones, and the base will be lighter.

Step 7

Take the dark brown color you will need to paint the bark of the tree. To make this part successful, use several shades of paint - they should play with each other. When applying strokes within one element, for example, a triangle, do not wait for the paint to dry, cover with a wet layer. This technique will allow you to create a "live" drawing.
