The meaning of the white rose lies in the appearance of this touching flower. White has always been associated with purity and valor. Thus, sincerity, purity and virtue are the most obvious symbolic meaning embodied by the white rose.

When you need to show that your thoughts and intentions are pure, and your feelings of sincerity are like fresh snow, turn to white roses for help. But the white rose has many more meanings than meets the eye.
White is a symbol of innocence, the kingdom of the unspoiled and unsullied. The meaning of a bouquet of white roses is chastity and spiritual love. The white rose glorifies love, which is unknown to the temptations of the flesh and which lives exclusively in the soul.
Unlike the red rose, which eloquently shouts of passion, the meaning of the white rose lies in pristine purity and simplicity.
The white rose is sometimes called the "flower of light". One of the symbolic meanings of a white rose is eternal love, which is stronger than death, endures everything and is immortal. The white rose speaks of love, which is closer to fidelity, reverence and obedience than to passion.
In the sense of honoring someone until death, the white rose is constancy and devotion that everyone endures.
The language of flowers is ambiguous and varied. And the white rose is no exception. It can be seen at funerals and commemoration ceremonies as a symbol of reverence and eternal memory.
Wedding queen
She is the queen of the bridal bouquet. The bride, holding a bouquet of white roses in her hands, by this very gesture shows that she is pure and innocent for her groom. The symbolism of the white rose can be transferred to the bride, the bearer of such qualities as purity and virginity.
“It's too early to love me,” declares the white rose. Girlhood, immaturity, the age of spring, young and fresh - such are its connotations. A white rose bud means beauty, youth and purity of a heart filled with innocent love.
White rose in myths and legends
The most famous meanings of the white rose come from mythology. Many of them are associated with Aphrodite or Venus, the goddess of love. She was born from the sea wave, and where the foam fell and remained on the ground, white roses bloomed.
The myth of the birth of Venus and later myths associated with the goddess point to the dual nature of love. It is purity and innocence, personified by white roses, on the one hand, and longing desire and its satisfaction, symbolized by a red rose, on the other.
In one of the myths, Aphrodite runs to help her wounded lover Adonis, and scratches her skin against a flowering bush of white roses. Her blood drips onto the flowers, staining them red. The symbolic reading is that the girl's innocence and purity are replaced by experience and motherhood.
In different cultures, there are many myths and legends that talk about how the first rose on earth with a white color magically changes color. In ancient Greek myth, this is the blood of Aphrodite, which paints a white rose red. In other legends, a white rose "blushes" from a kiss.