For the decoration of the premises, Venetian plaster was used in the Roman Empire. This material is popular, of course, today. Premises finished with such plaster look very beautiful, solid and original. However, the compositions of this variety are very expensive.

If there is no opportunity to purchase ready-made factory-made Venetian plaster, you can try to make this material yourself. There are several ways to imitate such a finish.
Using putty
In most cases, when renovating, Venetian plaster on the walls is imitated in two ways:
- using cheap materials through original texturing technologies;
- with the help of tinted mixtures, similar in composition to the factory Venetian plaster, prepared by hand.
Using the first technology, you can create the most inexpensive version of the imitation of Venetian plaster. The texturing technique for decorating walls in this way can be used, for example, the following:
- dilute the usual plaster putty, according to the instructions from the manufacturer;
- add a coloring pigment to the solution;
- apply the putty to the wall with a layer of 3 mm.
Next, you need to crumple up a regular newspaper tightly and, until the putty has hardened, texture the wall. A good solution would also be to use crumpled polyethylene instead of newspaper. In this case, the texture on the surfaces will be slightly different.
Venetian plaster recipe
In the factory, compositions of this type are prepared from stone dust and slaked lime. To give the mixture the desired shade, pigments are used.
Getting stone dust for the preparation of finishing material at home, of course, will be somewhat problematic. However, you can still make a tool similar in color and structure to Venetian plaster with your own hands.
For example, this type of material can be made by mixing the following ingredients:
- clean fine sand - 3 parts;
- gypsum putty - 3 parts;
- building plaster mix - 1 part.
The dry finishing compound obtained in this way must be mixed with water until a plastic solution is obtained. Next, the mixture must be divided into several parts and a pigment of the same color, but in different shades, must be added to each.
How to use a homemade composition
The plaster mixed in this way should be applied to the walls of the dwelling in layers in different directions. The finishing technology in this case will look like this:
- carefully prepare the walls for decoration;
- the first thin layer of plaster is applied;
- wait 10 minutes and, if desired, create some kind of relief on the wall;
- after 2 hours, a second layer is applied using compositions of other shades;
- after 5 minutes, level the surface with a trowel.
To apply the second layer, plaster of two different shades is placed on a trowel, lightly mixed and smeared on the wall. By means of this technology, the surfaces are usually imitated with luxurious Venetian marbled plaster. The decoration in this case turns out to be really unique, very beautiful and original.