How To Quickly Make A Figurine Out Of Plaster

How To Quickly Make A Figurine Out Of Plaster
How To Quickly Make A Figurine Out Of Plaster

Table of contents:


Gypsum is not only a building material. Powder diluted with water is suitable for making figurines, toys and fridge magnets. Moreover, you can make such items for interior decoration quite quickly.

How to quickly make a figurine out of plaster
How to quickly make a figurine out of plaster

It is necessary

  • - gypsum;
  • - water;
  • - the form;
  • - brushes;
  • - palette;
  • - acrylic paints.


Step 1

Prepare a mold for pouring the material into. You can buy a ready-made plaster craft kit, which will already contain plastic molds. Also suitable for these purposes are silicone bakeware and even baby containers for sand cakes. You can also cut the bottom of any hollow plastic or rubber toy. To make the plaster figure easier to reach, grease the mold with any vegetable oil.

Step 2

Pour gypsum powder into a glass beaker or jar. Add the required amount of water according to the instructions on the package. The consistency should resemble sour cream. Stir the mixture so that there are no lumps left in it.

Step 3

Pour the plaster of Paris into the prepared mold. Smooth the surface with a trowel or knife. Leave the mixture to dry for 30-50 minutes. If you are making a magnet, after 15-20 minutes press the magnetic plate into the surface of the plaster. Insert a loop of fishing line into the craft that you plan to hang.

Step 4

Make sure the plaster is really dry before removing the figurine. Tap on it with a pencil - the sound should be resonant.

Step 5

The shape of the finished craft can be changed. Using sculptural knives of different sizes, you can carve a plaster craft. First, draw the lines of the pattern on the sketch of the figurine. Then, referring to this sketch, mark out the craft with a simple pencil. Cut the plaster in small pieces, layer by layer, to achieve the desired effect. Use only sharply sharpened tools so that the material is cut evenly, without chips.

Step 6

If you want to make a multi-colored figurine, paint the plaster of Paris with acrylics. Look for the "for porous surfaces" label on the acrylic packaging. You can apply paint using a foam sponge (for painting over large areas) or a synthetic brush (for detailed study).
