How To Make A Venetian

How To Make A Venetian
How To Make A Venetian

Table of contents:


Venetian or Venetian plaster, in addition to its attractive appearance, has many advantages: it is durable and does not change color, lends itself to wet processing, is environmentally friendly and odorless. In addition, if you get tired of this finish - you do not need to remove the coating during repairs - you can glue wallpaper on the Venetian plaster or paint the walls in a different color.

How to make a Venetian
How to make a Venetian

It is necessary

  • - primer;
  • - plaster;
  • - color scheme;
  • - spatulas.


Step 1

Such a coating consists of very small particles of lime, gypsum, marble, suspended in a binder based on acrylic or polymers. After such plaster is applied to the wall, complex reactions of interaction of its constituent substances begin, which are called natural carbonization, as a result of which a film resistant to various influences forms on the wall.

Step 2

Before applying Venetian walls, putty and sand until a perfectly flat surface is obtained. Next, apply the first layer - a white primer, previously diluted according to the instructions. This layer dries in 8 hours, after which the first layer of the base coat can be applied.

Step 3

Apply the first layer of Venetian plaster with a large trowel with rounded ends from the upper corner of the wall. On a spatula, pick up the plaster and spread it in an even layer over the wall surface, achieving an absolutely flat surface and no boundaries between adjacent areas. Wipe the instrument every few strokes.

Step 4

After all the material is evenly and thinly distributed over the surface of the wall, the plaster (at a temperature of +20 degrees in the room) must dry completely, so the next layer can be applied only after 6 or 8 hours.

Step 5

After sanding off small irregularities, spread the second layer of Venetian plaster over the wall in the same way as the previous one - this way the wall evens out even more, and the color is more saturated.

Step 6

Cover the third layer, ensuring the visibility of the marble coating, with a special compound. It includes the basic plaster used for the first two layers, and additionally the material selected according to the color palette in a ratio of 5: 1. Apply this composition with strokes using a smaller spatula.

Step 7

After applying the smears, smooth the surface with a large spatula and polish. By using different tools and movements, the surface can end up being both matte and glossy.

Step 8

Within a month, a natural carbonization process takes place on the wall with Venetian plaster, so you can wash the wall no earlier than after a month.
