How To Learn To Wiggle Your Ears

How To Learn To Wiggle Your Ears
How To Learn To Wiggle Your Ears

All people have muscles that allow them to wiggle their ears. However, most do not know how to use them. A person's ability to wiggle their ears diminished over time, but it can still be done. You just need to understand which muscles you need to use.

How to learn to wiggle your ears
How to learn to wiggle your ears


The muscles that move the ear are located above it (upper ear muscle) and behind it (posterior ear muscle). To move the ear back and forth, as well as up and down, you need to learn how to use these muscles. As a rule, a person never uses them, so to get these muscles in motion, you will need to experiment in different ways.

Feel the muscles

To understand how to use the right muscles, stand in front of a mirror and try to feel your ears. Place your finger just behind your ear - where the posterior ear muscle is located. This way you can control the correctness of your actions. Try to move your ears as much as you can. You may experience unusual sensations, it may even seem like your ears are moving. If so, then you have used the right muscles. Look in the mirror, a slight movement of the ears will definitely show.

If you're struggling to get things done, try moving your facial muscles. Move your eyebrows, open and close your mouth. Many people quietly move their ears when, for example, yawning or raising their eyebrows. The ear muscles, like other muscles in the body, often work in conjunction with the muscles around them.

If you feel the movement of skin and hair behind your ears, keep training hard, you are on the right track.

Try smiling in front of the mirror. This often results in minor ear movements, i.e. the necessary muscles are involved.

Isolate the ear muscles

If your ears move only due to a separate facial expression, it will not look very impressive. Once you've identified which facial movements are causing your ears to move, try isolating the desired muscles, i.e. move only them. Moving your ears is impossible without moving the skin around them, but at least you need to learn not to move your facial muscles, for example, not to raise your eyebrows or open your mouth. This ability comes gradually and only with constant training.

Try wearing glasses. When they subside, you may unconsciously try to hold them in place by straining your ear muscles.

Train your muscles

Even after you learn to control only the right muscles, you will not be able to move your ears hard enough. This is due to the fact that you have never used these muscles, so they are poorly developed. Train your ear muscles constantly, over time they will get stronger and the movement of your ears will be more noticeable.