The underfoots are performed as part of the sock. Before you start knitting tracks, it is recommended to master the technique of knitting socks - this will greatly simplify the work. Footprints can be linked in three ways.

Step 1
We start knitting a footbed in the first way from the heel, performing it in the classical way. To perform a straight heel cloth, we collect the required number of loops and knit a straight cloth to the height of the heel. We form a heel along the side edges, having previously typed loops on both knitting needles. Next, we knit the fabric in two directions (forward and backward) to the toe, then we collect as many loops as we need for the upper part of the toe and knit the toe on four knitting needles.
Step 2
In the second way, we make the product with the front stitch from the center of the heel. To make the product from the center, we collect eight loops and distribute two loops on four knitting needles. We knit in a circle, adding one loop to each row on the second, fourth knitting needles. We knit with an air loop, making a left turn in front of the last loop. Accordingly, on the first, third knitting needles we knit with an air loop, while making a right turn after the first loop. We continue knitting, adding loops in the above way to every second row, as soon as there are seven loops on each of the knitting needles. Having typed thirteen loops on each knitting needle, on the third, fourth knitting needles we continue to knit a straight fabric to the toe (24 rows), and on the other two knitting needles we close the loops. When we collect ten loops of the upper part, we knit in a circle, performing the toe with the classics.
Step 3
In the third case, the under-shoes are made using a colored ornament, with the front satin stitch. Cast on 33 stitches with red thread. We knit two rows. Then we lead a white thread and knit a straight fabric to a height of 11 rows.
Form the heel by knitting two loops together in the beginning and end zones of the central part (11 loops). We collect on the side edges of the loop and knit 22 rows with an even cloth. Next, we collect 11 loops in the front row to form the upper part of the toe and knit 11 rows in a circle. Then we decrease the loops in the classical way. It remains only to process the inlay on the upper part of the underfoot (edge) and, if necessary, insert an elastic band.