The two main rules for building doll houses are to choose the right size of the building and decorate the rooms beautifully. Any material can be used to create a home, from real wallpaper and leftover linoleum to magazine clippings and old clothes.

Step 1
First, decide which dolls will live in the new house to make it easier to assess the scale of construction. The easiest way to make a house is from an old cardboard box, for example, from a TV. But if you want to put dolls like Barbie there, you need a larger box, because they are quite tall. At the box, remove one of the walls, you can cut off the upper cut parts and turn the box on its side. If the dimensions of the future dwelling allow, make interfloor partitions from pieces of cardboard - carefully glue them around the perimeter and fix them in accessible places with a stapler.
Step 2
Now decorate the walls and floors of the dwelling. As a floor covering, you can use real pieces of materials left over from repairs - carpet, linoleum, or cover the floors with colored paper, upholstery fabric. Cover the walls with pieces of real wallpaper or pages of glossy magazines with photographs if model dolls will live in the house. It is also better to paste over the ceilings, for example, with white paper, because future tenants are unlikely to like the gray color of the cardboard. Try to carefully glue the corners, because if in a real repair the flaws can be hidden behind the baseboards, then everything here will be striking.
Step 3
Now start creating furniture. Chairs, sofas and beds can be made by covering cotton rolls with fabric and stitching them together. Glue cabinets and shelves from thick cardboard, and then paint them or paste over them with colored paper. The most difficult thing is furniture with legs - tables and chairs. Here you cannot do without a master, but, in the end, you can furnish the house with purchased toy furniture.
Step 4
Now you need to give the house a "real" look. To do this, use real objects. For example, free a broken wristwatch from the strap and hang it on the wall above the table in the kitchen. You can attach a real mirror in the corridor. Hang small curtains on the windows, it is better if they are with a small pattern that matches the color of the wallpaper. Real craftsmen even lay the wiring during the construction phase and make small working lights. These are the details that make playing with the house especially interesting.