Which Zodiac Signs Are Suitable For A Diamond

Which Zodiac Signs Are Suitable For A Diamond
Which Zodiac Signs Are Suitable For A Diamond

Astromineralogy deals with the correspondence of the signs of the zodiac and stones. Its origins lie in ancient times, because even in the Middle Ages, the first tables appeared, correlating specific stones with astrological signs.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for a diamond
Which zodiac signs are suitable for a diamond

Diamonds and fire

Astrologers of different schools and directions cannot come to a consensus about who the diamond is most suitable for, but none of them argues that this is someone from the “fiery trinity”. Representatives of the zodiac signs of the fire element, namely Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, receive protection and protection from this beautiful stone. The most common belief is that Aries should wear diamonds. The stone enhances their courage and fearlessness, while extinguishing anger and irritability.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the international association of jewelers compiled and approved lists of stones and their corresponding zodiac signs.

On the other hand, diamonds are recommended for Leo as amplifiers of the natural generosity and generosity characteristic of this sign. These stones help Leo to achieve their goals, not to despair in the middle of the path.

Diamonds in the situation with Sagittarius work as a softening social factor. They allow Sagittarius to communicate more easily with other signs of the zodiac, less irritation, not to lose interest in the interlocutor after a couple of duty phrases. So this stone is strongly recommended for those Sagittarius whose life and career depend on their social skills.

Diamonds and other signs of the zodiac

Diamonds are not only suitable for fire signs. Of course, to a lesser extent, but they are suitable for the earthly triad, especially Capricorn. They help this sign to focus ambition, achieve success and muffle negative emotions. True, it is believed that it is better for Capricorn to wear jewelry with this stone from time to time, and not wear them constantly.

If we talk about air signs, we must mention Libra. The diamond suits the scales, working in fact as a companion. A similar energy structure allows the stone to maintain Libra in a stable, balanced state.

Choose clean stones without defects, the cut can be any, the main thing is that the stone is transparent, beautiful and perfect. Do not buy jewelry for show, it will not bring you the desired result.

As for those who shouldn't buy a diamond jewelry, Pisces tops the list. This zodiac sign should avoid overly influential, active stones that can drown out their own energy.

When choosing a diamond jewelry, remember that one large stone is stronger than a scattering of small ones. It is advisable to buy jewelry whose design will allow the diamond to touch your skin. Ring-shaped frames without a metal backing for a stone, a design of pendants that does not cover the entire stone from one side - all this will allow the diamond to nourish you through contact.
