Libra is a difficult, dual zodiac sign. It is because of this duality that choosing the right complementary partner is so important for people born under the sign of Libra.

The ideal partner
Aries is not the most ideal partner for Libra, such a union is possible, but rather it will be an exception. In order for such a relationship to develop, Libra and Aries must have the same interests and spiritual aspirations, which, due to the difference in characters, is quite rare.
Taurus and Libra can create a fairly strong union in which there will not be much passion, but at the same time the relationship will be very stable, calm and comfortable, in such couples, partners take very much care of each other, which allows them to go through the most difficult life trials.
If we talk about the ideal partner for Libra, Gemini is worth mentioning. The duality of nature of both signs ensures the perfect balance in the relationship. Libra and Gemini are constantly swinging on a kind of emotional swing, approaching over the years of their life together to an ideal equilibrium state.
Libra and Cancer rarely have a good relationship; it is very difficult for representatives of these signs to get along together, since their life principles and goals are most often radically different.
But Leo suits Libra well. Both of these signs are ambitious and focused on achieving success, which allows them to understand each other well, and the Libra's ability to smooth out conflict situations allows them to resolve even the most difficult situations.
The union of Virgo and Libra is rarely successful due to a large number of small omissions, quarrels and lies. Relationships like this rarely last for any length of time.
Good options are Sagittarius and Aquarius
Libra is difficult to get along with Libra. This zodiac sign constantly needs support that it cannot provide itself. As a result, such relationships most often boil down to a constant "looping" on each other's shortcomings, lack of intimacy and mutual understanding.
Scorpio is one of the worst partners for Libra, the relationship between these signs of the zodiac most often boils down to great sex and a lot of conflict outside of bed.
Sagittarius is a good option for starting a family with Libra. Alliances between these signs of the zodiac are usually quite stable, as Sagittarius can be a good support for Libra, which in turn brings some variety to a partner's life.
Capricorn is another not-so-good partner for Libra. In such couples, there are constant quarrels, partners are physically unable to make the same choice, and it does not matter if this choice concerns household trifles or global issues.
Aquarius, on the other hand, is perfect for Libra, since these signs of the zodiac very easily and quickly find a common language, which allows them to agree in almost any situation.
Pisces is a bad love partner for Libra. A wonderful friendship can develop between these signs of the zodiac, but a romantic relationship will lack passion and tenderness.