Sagittarius is an open and cheerful person, sincere and selfless. He knows how to truly enjoy life. On the other hand, a person born under this zodiac sign is distinguished by irresponsibility and frivolity.

Step 1
Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are considered one of the friendliest signs of the zodiac. These are very open and straightforward people, accustomed to express any thought that arises. Such directness can be intimidating, but Sagittarius never has the intention of offending anyone in their own words.
Step 2
Tactfulness is not their strong point, so they see no problems in their communication style. They may even consider themselves good diplomats. At the same time, they are very smart and educated personalities with whom it is pleasant to talk on any topic.
Step 3
Sagittarius adhere to their morality, are always ready to fight for justice. These are sincere people who cannot stand lies. They don't know how to cheat.
Step 4
Sagittarius are always full of energy and optimistic, they are attracted by speed and excitement. They are actively involved in sports, like to play with children, to participate in gambling entertainment. They like to live fully, a serious attitude towards life is not about them.
Step 5
Sagittarius are sociable people, they are always surrounded by friends. Communication with Sagittarius brings joy and charges with positive. However, they do not like when other people abuse their openness or treat them familiarly. They also don't like it when people try to control them. Because of this, they may experience certain difficulties at work.
Step 6
Sagittarius are proud by nature, so they try not to seek outside help. They believe that they can well provide themselves with everything on their own.
Step 7
These people love travel, this is their kind of passion. They like to study the culture of other countries, they would like to go everywhere.
Step 8
The weak side of Sagittarius is the unwillingness to see life as it is. They are like children: they like to embellish everything, to deny the seriousness of the situation. They perceive everything as a game, do not like to take responsibility.
Step 9
In addition, they are very absent-minded and forgetful people. They suffer from self-control, so they are often prone to obesity or alcoholism. With the same enthusiasm, they rush into new love relationships, then quickly cool down.
Step 10
Sagittarius sarcasm and straightforwardness repulses many, so they should watch their words. They also need to learn how to keep the personal secrets entrusted to them. It is worth noting again that Sagittarius simply do not perceive all these shortcomings as such.
Step 11
They are always ready to help unselfishly, they are very generous and kind. Communication with Sagittarius is usually interesting and fun.