How To Draw A Witch With A Pencil

How To Draw A Witch With A Pencil
How To Draw A Witch With A Pencil

The witch is perhaps the most popular character in European fairy tales. Each nation has its own ideas about evil witches who create obstacles to a person's path to happiness or wealth. Witches know a lot about the world, but they use their knowledge for evil. Therefore, in the drawings, they most often look like old women.

Choose two pencils of different hardness
Choose two pencils of different hardness

Determine the pose

A witch, like any other person, can perform a variety of movements. She can conjure over herbs, roam the forest, stand on the road, and even fly on a broomstick. Perhaps the last pose is the most characteristic of an evil sorceress. Lay the sheet upright. Mark the horizon line with a hard pencil, there will be houses, mountains, rivers - in a word, everything that the witch flies over. Mark the position of the broom. It's just a thin slanting line.

The broom should be low enough to allow room for the witch herself.

Seated figure

In flight, the witch takes the most incredible poses. Therefore, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions characteristic of a human figure in this case. Mark with dots and thin lines where the witch's head will be, how the outer edge of the back passes (at some angle to the broom), where the legs and arms are located. One hand must hold onto the broom, the other can have a whip or whip.

Keep in mind that body parts close to the viewer will appear slightly larger than those in the background, so that one of the witch's feet looks more massive than the other.


Start drawing the figure of the witch from the head. Draw a large and rather narrow irregular oval. The witch may have once been beautiful, but when she became an old woman, she changed a lot. Her face is thin, her cheekbones protrude strongly, and only one tooth can protrude from a crooked mouth. Draw the long axis of the oval, divide it into about 3 parts. The upper part is the forehead, the eyes are on the border of the upper and middle segments, the mouth is in the lower part. The witch's nose is large and hooked, the eyelids and forehead are deeply wrinkled, and the cheeks are drooping. The brow ridges protrude strongly. Draw long, matted hair - strands fly in the wind.

Torso and legs

On a broomstick, the witch bent down in three deaths, so her chest and shoulders seem large and wide, and the lower part of the body is almost invisible. Draw the arms and legs bent at the knees. The witch is dressed in rags, the bottom of the skirt and sleeves are torn, and the rags are directed in the same direction as the hair.

Satellites and surroundings

The witch rarely flies alone. For example, a raven can accompany her. Its silhouette can be simply sketched, it is not necessary to draw in detail. Large body and head, open wings. Draw the landscape of a fairyland below. Draw hills and rocks, several houses, a river with a few strokes.
