How To Get To Hell In Terraria

How To Get To Hell In Terraria
How To Get To Hell In Terraria

In the game Terraria, the player finds himself in many different locations, in each of which he comes across unique resources, and various monsters interfere with their unhindered extraction. In this regard, hell is considered one of the most difficult, the passage of which will be a turning point in the gameplay.

Hell is one of the hardest locations in Terraria
Hell is one of the hardest locations in Terraria

What is hell in terraria

In the popular "sandbox" Terraria, gamers encounter more than a dozen different biomes - with their own terrain features, treasures, ores and other materials, as well as monsters that must be fought in order to safely get out of such a location. In this regard, before the inclusion of harmod (high difficulty mode), hell is considered the most difficult to go through in justice.

He is a very unpleasant place, already from the very being in which the character's health will evaporate pretty quickly. In addition, the underworld is teeming with all sorts of hostile creatures, to defeat many of which you need excellent armor and excellent weapons.

Coming to hell will be one of the game's turning points, as here the gamer will have to meet and defeat an unusually formidable boss - the Wall of Flesh. After a hard victory over her, the gameplay turns into hardmod.

Especially in this regard, the local boss, the Wall of Flesh, is formidable. It is extremely difficult to defeat him: it is necessary to shoot exclusively in his eyes and mouth and at the same time dodge the attacks of himself, as well as the Hungry and the leeches, which he sends to the player in abundance.

Nevertheless, the drop that falls out after killing such a powerful enemy is worth it to fall into the Underworld. So, thanks to the victory over the Wall of Flesh, the gamer will profit from the holy hammer that easily breaks the altars of demons, shoots several enemies at once with a laser rifle, which has the strongest knockback effect with the Shatter sword, which fires three shots with a single use of a clockwork assault rifle or one of three emblems (warrior, magician or archer), which increases the power of this or that damage.

The path to hell

Getting to the Underworld in Terraria is not difficult, although it will take a long time. This biome is located one to three thousand feet below ground level (depending on the size of the map), and the player will just have to dig a passage straight down with a suitable tool. It is advisable to do this kind of work together with a friend (in multiplayer mode), so that the tunnel turns out to be two-block. Periodically coming across lava pools will testify to the approach of hell.

Only in the Underworld will the player find special hellish furnaces. Only in them can you melt an ingot of hellstone, which serves as a material for crafting some of the most powerful types of magical weapons and armor.

So that magma does not become an obstacle, it is worth finding a lake in a cave of some upper biome and arrange it so that it flows down. Then, upon contact with lava, everything will turn into valuable obsidian.

However, in later versions of the game, this method is not suitable, since water, falling into hell, evaporates. However, this can also be prevented if, having allowed the liquid to fall down, immediately exit the game, having previously saved it. Upon returning to the gameplay, the player will find that the lake of water has survived.

In order not to get bored of the imps (demons), throwing away the gamer's character with their fireballs, it is worth taking with you more suitable solid blocks - for example, meteorite ones - to go to hell. Then, instead of monsters typical of the Underworld, the player will come across meteorite fragments (or other entities, depending on what material the voids were filled with). True, for this it is necessary to put at least fifty blocks of a certain type.

Getting into a hellish biome promises an exciting and at the same time dangerous adventure. To survive in such a hot place, the player should stock up on potions (primarily obsidian skin and gravity), special shoes - like Hermes boots, - strong fireproof armor and weapons (phoenix blaster, star cannon, etc.). Then the chance of defeating the local monsters and the boss will increase significantly.
