Terraria has many different locations, and to explore them, the gamer character has to climb a pretty decent height or climb into a deep abyss. In all such cases, the presence of a special accessory will come in handy - wings, which help to become more mobile and not receive damage in various dangerous situations.

What are the wings for terraria
With the help of the wings, the player will not just overcome virtually any terrain without much difficulty. At the same time, he will be able to avoid damaging falls, since their wings will greatly soften.
Certain types of wings cannot be crafted - for example, those that drop after the destruction of Duke Rybron or the Evil Spruce. There are also leafy wings, which the player acquires from the medicine man, and fins, obtained after the quest from the fisherman.
They will also come in handy for the search for certain biomes - for example, flying islands. True, in such a case, you will have to use them together with other accessories (Ice Rod, spectral or rocket boots, etc.): by themselves, they are not able to raise the gamer to a height sufficient to perform such a task.
It is worth using the wings even when you have to fight various evil monsters. The great maneuverability that a player character gains from such an accessory is especially valuable here. Once again, dodging a blow from a hostile creature and not taking damage is worth a lot.
The way to make any wing in the game
In Terraria, gamers have more than a dozen types of different wings. They differ both in appearance and in the height to which they are allowed to climb. This figure varies greatly - from 107 feet in the case of using the wings of an angel or demon to 286 - for the wings of Rybron.
Certain types of wings belong exclusively to the creators of the game, being a hallmark of their game hypostases. Other players will not benefit from such an accessory - obtained dishonestly, it will cause damage.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to legally acquire such an accessory before switching to hardmod, since its manufacture requires such resources that are obtained only in high difficulty mode. For example, one of the main components in such a recipe - the soul of flight - is obtained only after killing the long-bodied wyvern monsters circling around the flying islands. By the way, in the same location (and not necessarily in the hardmode) there are harpies from which feathers are dropped, which are also needed in crafting the above accessory.
For the manufacture of wings, as a rule, twenty flight souls are required (for sparkling ones - 25). The composition of the rest of the ingredients depends on what kind of accessory you need to get. If the wings of a butterfly or a fairy, in addition to the above component, you need, respectively, one portion of butterfly pollen or a hundred of fairy powder. For bees, harpy, bone, bat, ice, fire, creepy or tattered - one bee wing, giant harpy feather, bone feather, bat wing, fire or ice feather, creepy twig or black magic dust.
Angelic, demonic or sparkling accessories of this kind, in addition to the souls of flight, also require ten feathers and 25 souls of light or night, or 30 - anxiety. For a hoverboard or beetle wings, you need to prepare 18 mushroom ingots or 8 shells of such insects.
However, with such a variety of recipes, one thing unites them. Crafting is done on a mithril or orichalcum anvil. However, there are also non-craftable wings in the game. Some of them - steampunk - are obtained only in the console version of Terraria. However, before 1.2.1 they were easy to acquire in a regular game - from the Ferry Mechanic. Now, in this regard, he can only offer the gamer a jetpack.