Since ancient times, a bird flying through a window was a very bad omen. It was believed that bad news of death was worth waiting for. However, this sign has several meanings and it cannot be perceived unambiguously - it all depends on what kind of bird flew into your window and under what circumstances.

Where does this omen originate from?
Most of the peoples of the world endowed birds with mystical qualities. They were considered messengers from heaven, able to warn of impending disaster. Bird feathers have long been actively used for magical rituals and, moreover, the bird was even considered a symbol of the human soul. It is not surprising that a huge number of all kinds of signs and superstitions are associated with birds, in which people continue to believe to this day.
The bird sat on the window

Do not be alarmed if a bird has landed on the windowsill, especially since many city dwellers specially sprinkle crumbs or cereals on it to feed the birds. There is nothing to worry about if a pigeon sits on your window and even knocks on it with its beak. Many people see a similar picture every day. It's another matter if one day you see some other bird on your windowsill. For example, a cuckoo, crow or jay. These birds bring trouble and are the harbingers of sad events. But the swallows, on the contrary, bring only good news. The swallow is a symbol of well-being, health and family happiness. If a swallow knocks on the window of a house where a seriously ill person lives or a family is experiencing financial difficulties, then soon everything in this family should work out.
Case of life. One woman's son studied in another city. How many efforts were made to arrange him in this particular educational institution. Once a woman saw a budgerigar on her windowsill and just a few days later her child announced that he had been expelled from the university, and he was returning home. The news is unpleasant, but not fatal.
The bird crashes into the glass
If the bird hit the glass, but flew further, then some news awaits you that will take you by surprise. It is believed that if a crow or a magpie hit the window, then expect trouble. However, this is not always the case in practice.
Personal experience. Once, a magpie crashed into the windshield of a car that was traveling at a decent speed. The poor bird has become a cake. It was just scary to look at the car. There were four people in the car, with whom nothing terrible happened afterwards. So, even the most terrible and true omens do not always come true.
The bird flew into the room
If the bird flew into the house, then soon one of its inhabitants will die. This omen has always been considered very bad. Superstitious people tell many frightening stories associated with the penetration of uninvited feathered guests into the human dwelling. However, even in this case, not everything is so simple.
If a bird flew through the window, and then flew out of it, then news from afar awaits you. If you had to release it yourself, then expect problems and troubles.
The most terrible option, which really makes sense to fear, is that a bird that has flown in the house is severely crippled or died. True, this happens very rarely. Especially impressionable people should go to church to calm down.
Why birds fly through the window: another version
If a bird flew into your window, then you should not be afraid. Perhaps it is your deceased relative who missed you and his soul wants to be with you for a while. This is especially true when a bird that has flown through the window does not want to fly away. By the way, if she is crippled, then it makes sense to treat her and observe her behavior, and not sit in panic and wait for “inevitable” death.
Life story

I can responsibly declare that about ten years ago I became a direct witness to a simply extraordinary event associated with a bird. Apart from me, this strange phenomenon was observed by so many people, so it will not be possible to accuse me of lying - if you wish, you can find those who will confirm my story.
I worked in a gambling establishment (at that time casinos were not yet banned by the state). Of course, the establishment was open at night. And then one day they sent us a specialist from the capital - a general manager. He was a man with a difficult fate, who experienced many misfortunes and grief. Our boss had an extraordinary mind and explosive character (especially when he drinks), but he knew his job very well: in two months he turned a half-empty casino into a prosperous institution with a large attendance. True, he was not allowed to take alcoholic beverages - he simply became uncontrollable and terribly aggressive. But after six months of work, unfortunately, he could not stand it - he broke loose and started a fight with one client, for which he was eventually expelled from work. Before his departure, he suffered greatly. He believed that he was very unfairly treated: he got the job done, and he was deprived of his post after the very first offense. In general, he was very angry, sad and offended by the whole unjust world at the same time.
The general manager is gone. On the very first working night, when a rather lively game was going on in the hall, someone knocked on the window. By the way, in this casino the windows were simply sealed with a dark film. The knocking continued all night. There was a big black crow outside the window. I remember how then everyone said that misfortune must happen.
The next day, the cleaning lady opened the window, and this crow flew into the hall. All again began to talk about the impending disaster. In general, this crow started knocking on the window every night. Over time, they stopped paying attention to her.
After about two weeks, the owners of the gambling establishment began to worry and decided to go to a psychic well-known in those parts. The sorcerer recommended to kill the crow and burn the body. He said that the institution was damaged and there would be no happiness for anyone.
The co-founders caught this crow for a long time, but they did not manage to. We decided to put rat poison on her. They mixed the grain with the poison and scattered it on the windowsill. The crow disappeared. Many employees even felt sorry for her. Imagine the general surprise when, literally a few days later, the crow returned again.
For more than two months she knocked on the window every night, and then she just stopped, probably, she got tired. It is worth noting that nothing terrible happened later. Nobody died, the casino worked until the official ban.
It turns out that not all the omens associated with birds must certainly come true. Sometimes we just deal with unexplained events, the meaning of which is difficult to understand and give them a reasonable explanation.