How To Work With Fiberglass

How To Work With Fiberglass
How To Work With Fiberglass

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Working with fiberglass and gluing fiberglass means making a frame from this material using a polymer resin. Due to its properties, fiberglass allows you to make various things out of it.



Step 1

Fiberglass is often used to treat and strengthen wooden structures. This process is quite laborious, but it really gives the tree the necessary strength. First of all, an adhesive resin is applied to the structure in such a way as to completely cover the entire required surface. After the resin on the wood hardens, all defects, such as cracks or bubbles, irregularities not provided for by the structure, are putty. A perfectly flat surface is not required for successful work - the main thing is that it is dry and clean. Then glass cloth is glued to the dry surface. You need to cut out pieces of the required shape, adjust them and fix them in a suitable place. After that, a layer of resin is applied to the surface of the fiberglass. They put it on limited areas and level it with a roller in all directions, expelling air bubbles. After drying, you can stick on another layer or even several to give strength.

Step 2

You can make structures directly from fiberglass. To do this, you need to make a matrix, for its creation, using polyurethane foam or foam sheets. Layers of cling film are wound on the finished matrix, you can use foil, you can use an ordinary newspaper. Secure with masking tape. Apply a thin layer of epoxy with a brush, taking care not to use too much. Apply fiberglass on top, level it over the surface, cut or fold everything unnecessary and cover it again with epoxy. This procedure is repeated 3-4 times, depending on the required thickness and strength, then dry well. After drying, the surface must be sanded with coarse sandpaper, gradually changing it to a finer one. The final stage is carried out according to the construction with a zero sandpaper. Then you will need a special filler for fiberglass, after which the final stage of painting, various decor and, if necessary, varnishing.

Step 3

Properly made fiberglass parts and frames have a higher strength than steel, if all the recommendations in the work are correctly followed. Before starting work, the fiberglass is degreased. To do this, impregnate the fabric with gasoline, alcohol or solvent. These substances are well able to dissolve the often found paraffin particles in fiberglass fibers. After that. once the procedure is performed, the material should dry completely. When choosing fiberglass for work, you need to take into account its density, since the higher the density, the more difficult it is to work with small details. If the density is low, it is necessary to take into account a number of features: the lower it is, the more layers will be needed for the required thickness of the product and the more time will be spent, since before gluing the layer you need to wait until the previous one dries.
