A lazy person may not bother himself and just buy a can of artificial snow or a kit for creating it from a store. But what is the interest in this? It is much more exciting to feel like a kind of master of the elements and make snow yourself from the materials at hand. Even if it is artificial.

It is necessary
- - diaper (possibly several)
- - tap water
- - capacity 0.5 l
Step 1
The raw material for artificial snow will be sodium polyacrylate, which is used in the manufacture of diapers. Cut open the diaper and remove the cotton-like material from there. Tear or cut it into small pieces.
Step 2
Put in a container and add water in small portions (you can use tap water). Do this until the material is snowy and wet. In the end, it is better to completely moisten from a spray bottle, because there is a risk of overdoing it and getting wet, sticky, gray and dirty-looking snow as a result.
Step 3
To achieve the best effect, place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator, but never in the freezer. In the latter case, it may not be snow, but white opaque ice.
Step 4
You can create colored artificial snow. To do this, find several boxes, and then pour colored water (brilliant green, beet juice, or some other dye) into each of them. To heighten the effect, you can add certain aromas and oils associated with a particular color. For example, you can add pine oil to green snow, orange oil to orange, and mint oil to blue.
Step 5
That's all, the snow is ready. It remains to use it for its intended purpose. When decorating your home, remember that it is better to put artificial snow on a plate or some kind of support. Although sodium polyacrylate holds water well, it may well leave damp spots. And for the same reason, it is sometimes worth sprinkling it with water.