If you are a happy owner of a personal plot, then in winter you will inevitably have to solve the problem of clearing the territory from snow. It's good when the snow-covered area is small in size - then you can handle it with a shovel or a two-handed scraper. But if the scope of work is very wide, you cannot do without a snow blower.

Step 1
If you really want to, you can make a do-it-yourself universal snow harvester at home. The device is capable of cleaning fresh and packed snow, and sometimes dense ice, if an electric motor of the required power is provided. In the summer, the unit can easily be converted into a lawn mower.
Step 2
Structurally, the snow blower is an electrically driven trolley and a hinged snow plow. The cart consists of two drums interconnected by a frame and a conveyor track with hooks. A scraper knife with a shield on the brackets is added to the design.
Step 3
The cart is assembled from metal pipes, plywood sheets, corners and wheels (they can be removed from a baby carriage or bicycle). The undercarriage will fit from an unnecessary baby stroller.
Step 4
Attach a thick layer of plywood and handles bent from a waste 20 mm pipe to the cart. The chassis is ready.
Step 5
Pay special attention to the working body of the snow blower. It is assembled from bushings, axles, a conveyor belt and an angle.
Step 6
Use large, hard cans for drums. Cut out the bottom and lid and replace them with two wooden circles. If you can't pick up the cans, use 12 mm plywood or a wide board. Cut eight outer 200mm discs and four inner 170mm discs. Fasten the discs in pairs with bolts and screws.
Step 7
Attach a pedal bicycle sprocket to the lower discs of one of the drums by inserting a bushing into it.
Step 8
Cut a strip from the roofing sheet, 250 mm wide and equal to the circumference of the inner disc. Attach the strip to the disc using nails or screws. Insert the sleeve into the drum from above. The second reel will be without an asterisk.
Step 9
Place the drums on the frame. Attach tension angles to the upper ends of the drum axles. The drums are connected with a conveyor belt. For it, you will need a rubber strip and duralumin corners with a section of 25x25 mm. Make the connection with flat head rivets. Sew the joint of the tape with a nylon thread. A bicycle chain is attached to the star of the drive drum.
Step 10
Make a knife from a duralumin sheet 2 mm thick. Install a support bar on the lower surface of the knife, the dimensions of which are determined by the dimensions of the working body. Attach the working body of the unit to the brackets. Make the drive from an electric drill or hammer drill. Provide a cable length of at least 13-15 meters.