There are many different opinions on which sign of the zodiac is the strongest. Most astrologers agree that the most powerful sign is Scorpio. They also claim that the most victorious and influential signs include Leo, Capricorn and Aries.

How strong signs of the zodiac are determined
Representatives of the strongest signs of the zodiac differ:
- the ability to set goals and achieve them;
- leadership inclinations;
- endurance and resilience in overcoming obstacles in its path.
Mars is considered weak if it is in exile - in Taurus.
The planets that endow the personality with determination and great will are the Sun and Mars. If they are pronounced enough in the horoscope, a person will be able to confidently defend his rights and boldly go towards his goal. Mars is especially strong when in Scorpio, Leo, Aries, or Capricorn.
A person's sun will be pronounced if it is in Leo or Aries. These two signs of the zodiac are characterized by charismatic confidence, which in some cases comes to arrogance and selfishness.
Strong zodiac signs: Aries and Leo
Aries belongs to the element of fire. In the representative of this sign, it manifests itself as impulsiveness, uncontrollability and energy. A person born under this sign has increased activity and optimism. Aries constantly feel a strong need for any activity, as they are overwhelmed with an excess of vital energy.
Aries also loves frank directness. What is on his mind is on his tongue. His childish spontaneity and sincerity are to blame for this.
The sign of Aries is the very first of all the signs of the zodiac, and that says a lot. The main characteristic of Aries is to be the first and best in everything! Representatives of this sign love to be in the center of attention, they believe that others should fulfill almost their every desire.
But Aries devotes himself selflessly to work. As long as a person born under this sign is passionate about something, he is passionate about it and completely absorbed. But as soon as Aries realizes that there are no prospects for him, he dramatically changes the type of his activity.
The representative of the royal zodiac sign is capable of being both a magnanimous ruler and a cruel tyrant. Much depends on whether Leo is positive or negative. Also, his behavior can be determined by a specific situation. If Leo is notorious, his pride is hurt and offended, he is able to control the people around him, taking away their strength in order to strengthen his own.
Strong Zodiac Signs: Scorpio and Capricorn
Also, the Sun is strongly expressed in Scorpio. Born under this sign is the energetically strongest of all the signs of the zodiac. He knows how to lead others, is impulsive and passionate. Scorpios do not forget the kindness and their old friends. Moreover, they are the most dangerous enemies and rivals. Representatives of this zodiac sign will never forget the deception and the offense inflicted on them. They take revenge mercilessly, considering their actions to be fair.
In addition, Scorpios are excellent lovers. Whatever activity those born under this sign are engaged in, they always give themselves up to it completely and completely. There are a very large number of workaholics among them. They are able to overcome the most difficult obstacles in life and endure enormous inconveniences only in order to achieve their goals as a result.
Scorpio can always stand up for himself, but at the same time he can hurt the people around him painfully. He is also prone to self-destruction.
The ambitious Capricorn is characterized by persistence and determination. His high efficiency helps him in solving even the most difficult problem. He is stable in his habits and in his attitude towards everything he does. Although Capricorn is considered the most reserved sign in the manifestation of emotions, he is capable of experiencing deep feelings.
But the weakest sign of the zodiac, according to most astrologers, is Pisces. They are phlegmatic, impressionable, subject to emotions. But there is also a completely opposite opinion. It says that Pisces, on the contrary, is the strongest sign of the zodiac. Their external defenselessness hides psychological invulnerability and mental fortitude. Aries, for all its impulsiveness and bravado, is weaker in spirit.
Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: each of the signs of the zodiac has both strengths and weaknesses. And it depends only on the person himself which of his qualities he can develop in himself.