How To Determine Personality Traits By Date Of Birth

How To Determine Personality Traits By Date Of Birth
How To Determine Personality Traits By Date Of Birth

The mystical relationship of numbers and their influence on humans has long been of interest to various scientists. In particular, the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras believed that at the heart of any life process or object is a digital code. The scientist developed a psychomatrix, which was later called the "Pythagorean square". With the help of the date of birth, you can calculate the inherent abilities and capabilities of a particular person.


How to compose a person's psychomatrix

Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Draw a square with cells 3 by 3. Number each cell in the corner. At the bottom of the square, the calculation will go.

Write down your date of birth and put a dash. Subsequently, the numbers of the mirror date of the matrix will be written opposite. Calculate the sum of the digits for the day and month. Add the sum of the digits of the year to the resulting number. Circle the result, it counts as the first number of the mirrored date.

Add up the digits of the first number to get the second mirror number. From the first mirror number, subtract the doubled first digit of the birthday (if there is zero, then the second) - this will be number three. The fourth number of the mirrored date is determined by adding the digits of the third number. Write down the mirrored date of 4 numbers opposite the date of birth.

For example, if you were born on 1984-01-07, the calculation will be done like this:

1) 0+1+0+7=8

2) 1+9+8+4=22

3) 22 + 8 = 30 first number

4) 3 + 0 = 3 second number

5) 30-1 * 2 = 28 third number

6) 2 + 8 = 10 fourth number

01.07.1984 -

Enter the numbers in order in each cell of the square according to the numbering, excluding zero and putting a dash if there are no numbers:


Expanding results

Square 1. Ego, will, character. The more units in the square, the stronger the will of the person. The golden mean is three units. Such a character is called "flexible", when a person can give in or insist on his own, depending on what result he wants to get. The absence of units speaks of weakness, weakness. Too many units (more than 4) speak of tyranny and despotism.

Square 2. Life energy. The more twos, the higher the ability to "rise from the ashes", to overcome failures. The absence of twos suggests that a person is an "energy vampire", does not know how to replenish energy reserves, and is forced to take it away from others. With a lot of twos, a person is a "donor" and is able to heal others.

Square 3. Ability for science and order. The absence of triplets - chaos in the head and in business. One or two triplets - a person studies and puts things in order according to his mood. Three triplets and more - a lively mind, curiosity, a penchant for exact sciences, pedantry.

Square 4. Health. The absence of fours indicates soreness and a tendency to colds. If there are twos in the matrix, illnesses quickly pass, forces are restored. With weak twos and fours, the person will be sick for a long time.

Square 5. Intuition. The absence of fives is a difficult life path, a tendency to step on the same "rake". The more fives, the more developed intuition, and a person gets out of any troubles, following his inner instinct.

Square 6. Practicality. The absence of sixes speaks of being in the clouds. Man is prone to illusions. Dreams more than realizes. 1-2 sixes are theorists who, with a strong desire, go over to practice. If there are more than 3 sixes, a person tends to see benefits in everything, a real strategist and practitioner.

Square 7. Luck, talent. In the absence of sevens, a person is called "banging against the wall" in search of himself. The tendency to rush into various fields of art, but without a clear result. 1-2 sevens speaks of hidden talents that need to be intensively developed. People with three 7s or more sparkle with ideas, their projects more often than others end with success. In the absence or low number of twos, people with many sevens literally "burn out" at work or are exhausted, carried away by some business.

Box 8. Sense of duty. The absence of eights is an indicator of irresponsibility and negligence. Such people are often late for business meetings and do not fulfill their promises. 1-2 eights - the person follows the word "Must", but reluctantly. 3 eights or more is a person who is obligatory in every sense. His word is flint.

Square 9. Mind. The absence of nines or 1-2 with a good indicator of triples means that a person will try to learn and learn new things all his life. If there are no triplets, it will be difficult for a person to perceive any information. Lots of nines along with 7s speak of genius. With a strong character (more than 3 units), genius may have an evil intent.