It is not very difficult to make a vector drawing from a photograph, but then you can create a vector shape of any size.
It is necessary
Adobe Photoshop program
Step 1
Open the photo you want to turn into a drawing in Photoshop. The figures in the photo must be on a white background. If they are not, then you need to cut them out and place them on a white background. Using the selection tools, copy the shape to a new layer. It makes sense to give meaningful names to the layers, name this one, for example, "shape". Create a new layer, fill it with white, name this layer "background". Move this layer under the "shape" layer, merge them and name the resulting layer "base".
Step 2
Make several copies of the base layer. Make copies of these layers invisible. Apply the command Image - Adjustment - Threshold, select those settings that will create a silhouette with all the necessary details.
Step 3
In order to smooth the resulting jagged edges of the image, apply the Filter - Stylize - Diffuse filter. In the Mode filter settings, select the Anisotropic option.
Step 4
Now we need to sharpen the edges of the image. To do this, use the command Image - Adjustment - Levels. Move the right and left sliders closer to the center. In order to better see what you get as a result of using this command, zoom in to 300%.
Step 5
Repeat the Filter - Stylize - Diffuse and Image - Adjustment - Levels commands again.
Step 6
Make visible one of the copies of the "base" layer. Add the command Image - Adjustment - Threshold to it. Apply to this layer the filter Filter - Stylize - Diffuse and the command Image - Adjustment - Levels. Repeat these last two steps as needed.
Step 7
Create a new layer and fill it with black. Move this layer under the "base" layer. Change the Blending Mode of the "base" copy layer to Difference.
Step 8
Make the "base" layer active and add a layer mask to it (a circle icon with a rectangle at the bottom of the layers palette). Use the eraser to remove those elements of the silhouette that spoil it.
Step 9
Now you need to convert the resulting result into a vector drawing. To do this, use a magic wand to select all the black areas in the picture, right-click on the selection and select Make Work Path from the menu.
Step 10
Run the Edit - Define Custom Shape command. Give the resulting shape a name and save your drawing. Now, using the Custom Shape Tool, you can draw the resulting vector drawing of any size, for this the "shape layer" function must be active.