How To Set Up A Sight

How To Set Up A Sight
How To Set Up A Sight

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Paintball is a very exciting activity that simulates real military action. The two teams try to "exterminate" each other using paintball markers. At the same time, the dimensions and weight of paintball markers can come close to the dimensions and weight of military weapons. Realism can be added by installing a telescopic sight. But without proper adjustment, it is just a telescope screwed to the body of the marker. Let's set up the crosshair.

Don't aim for 100% accuracy when adjusting your scope for a paintball marker
Don't aim for 100% accuracy when adjusting your scope for a paintball marker


Step 1

Place the marker on a flat surface, on a support. At the same time, we try to make the support waist-high. It is important that the marker does not tremble in your hands while aiming. If you have a dedicated marker tripod, this is the ideal situation. But if you don't have a tripod, sandbags will do.

Step 2

Let's prepare the goal. A double-folded piece of cardboard is a good target. Draw a dot in the center of the cardboard sheet so that it is about the size of a coin. Place the target at the required distance from the telescopic sight marker that needs adjustment. We are convinced that there is nothing fragile and necessary behind the target, because the balls will fly through the cardboard. We dig the target into the ground. If necessary, add stability to it.

Step 3

We put on the mask, center the risks of the sight around the point, without raising the marker. We make three shots. We go to the target and determine by the holes in the cardboard where our balls fell.

Step 4

We need to adjust the hit point of the balls. To do this, use the buttons for vertical and side adjustments. The unit of measurement for most of the buttons is the minute (MOA or 1/60 of a degree). Typically, four button presses equate to one minute, which can move the point of impact by 2.5 cm at a distance of 91 meters from the target. If our shots, say, hit 7.5 cm higher and 5 cm to the left of the target (the distance to the target is still 91 meters), then we need to switch the lateral setting to the right for 2 minutes, and the vertical setting - down by 3 minutes …

Step 5

If you shoot at a target more distant, then you may have to compensate for the arc along which the ball will fly by slightly raising the sight. Unfortunately, this is the problem with all riflescopes mounted on paintball markers.

Step 6

We make the necessary changes, then fire three more shots. Checking the result. If the scope setting is still not satisfactory to us, we make more changes and check again.
