In the computer game "S. T. A. L. K. E. R. Shadow of Chernobyl", tasks are often given to search for objects such as "go there - take this - bring me". Not all of them are easy to accomplish. Sometimes the owner of the desired item moves through the vastness of the game or is in the company of characters indistinguishable from him. Therefore, to complete the task received, you have to make an effort.

It is necessary
Computer game "S. T. A. L. K. E. R. Shadow of Chernobyl", quest "find the weapon of the long-term man", own weapon and a lot of cartridges
Step 1
Start the game and take the task to find the weapon of the long-time. After that, open the PDA and look at the map. The icon indicating the location of the item you are looking for is located in the "Dark Valley" location (although it can move to other locations).
Step 2
Go to the location "Dark Valley". After entering it, reopen the PDA and find the factory complex on the map, and then go to it.
Step 3
Having reached the factory, enter it from one of two sides - through the main entrance (metal gate between two towers) or through the "black" one (a pipe near a small swamp on the opposite side of the gate). It is advisable to do this unnoticed, otherwise you will be immediately discovered by the bandits inhabiting it.
Step 4
Destroy the bandits on the territory of the plant. After that, carefully examine the corpses, your target is a bandit named Fraer, next to the corpse (or in the inventory) of which you will find the desired weapon. This is an Abakan assault rifle with an underbarrel grenade launcher.
Step 5
In case this bandit was not on the territory of the plant, look around. The bandit with the desired weapon does not stand still, moving around the location. Find him, destroy and take his machine gun. Bring it to the owner.