We all went to school. And because of nothing to do in the classroom, they folded boats from notebook sheets. And then at recess they let them into puddles in the yard. It is not clear why, but not all modern children know how to make paper boats. Although it is these boats that are the first figures of origami - the art of making all kinds of objects out of paper.

It is necessary
Step 1
A classic boat is made from a rectangular sheet of paper folded in half. The result is a pretty sailing boat. To do this, bend the sheet in half, and fold the edges of the sheet inward. Fold the corners of the resulting rectangle outward, then unscrew 1 cm of the top layer.

Step 2
The outlines of the boat are already there. Now fold back the top layer 1 cm again, the edge of the boat should overlap the folded corners, this will give the structure strength. Now it remains to straighten the boat and it is ready.
Step 3
However, you can also make a two-pipe boat out of paper. Take a square piece of paper. Gently bend all four corners to the center, press the fold lines well, draw along them with your fingernail. You now have a smaller square.
Step 4
Turn the resulting square over to the other side and bend all corners to the center again, press the fold lines well. The square has become even smaller.
Step 5
Turn the square over again and bend all the corners inward again, towards the center, press the folds. Flip the square obtained as a result of three additions, fold it diagonally. You are holding a right-angled triangle.
Step 6
Carefully turn its opposite lower corners out from the inside, press the folds. This will be the deck. Gently fold up the two inner top corners so that you get two rectangular pipes, press the folds again. Result: a small two-pipe boat.
Step 7
Such a boat is more difficult to make than a classic boat. However, it is stronger and lasts longer in the water. Especially if you fold it out of glossy or waxed paper.
Step 8
In addition, it is with this folding of the square that the classic origami figures begin. Having mastered folding the two-pipe boat, you can subsequently fold the frog, and the flower, and the butterfly, and much more. For origami crafts, there is a special double-sided soft paper. And the art of origami is practiced not only by children, but also by adults all over the world.