Petunia pleasantly amazes with its variegation. There are terry varieties. Their blossoming buds resemble roses. Non-doubles are adorable too. Bell-shaped flowers of white, pink, lilac, crimson shades delight the eye and give a festive mood.

Step 1
Petunia is one of the few that blooms almost immediately after planting it in a flower bed. Seedlings of other flowers need 1-2 months to appear before summer residents, townspeople in all their splendor.
Step 2
Petunia shows its beauty already in mid-May. Therefore, it is used to decorate not only summer cottages, but also squares and city parks. Often in the summer you can see flower beds in the yards, where several of these plants are planted. Even 5-7 copies can turn a small flower bed into a piece of paradise.
Step 3
Petunia looks different at different stages of its development. The life of this plant begins from seeds. They are very small. If you pour them into your palm, you will see microscopic black dots - these are the beginnings of a future flowering bush.
Step 4
The seeds resemble poppy seeds. Due to their very small size, these seeds are not sprinkled with earth during planting. After all, it is difficult for them to overcome the soil layer even 5 millimeters high.
Step 5
After germination has begun, petunia shoots look different. Small, thin stems with a couple of cotyledonous leaves are also not very easy to see at first. If you want to see all the details of the seedling, then you have to take a magnifying glass.
Step 6
Time goes by, the flower continues to change. The stem has grown, real leaves have appeared above the cotyledons. They are green oval in shape, slightly pointed on the outside.
Step 7
Further, almost magical transformations take place with the petunia. From the axils of the leaves, stepchildren begin to grow - stems with leaves. At the end of each, funnel-shaped buds are formed. So a small flower turns into a whole bush.
Step 8
But not all varieties grow so luxuriantly. In dwarf ones - a short stem and lateral processes are also small, but this in no way affects the beauty of the flowers. They are large in all varieties. It's amazing how so many buds can fit even on a small plant! They bloom and cover the stem, most of the leaves.
Step 9
What do petunia flowers look like - double and ordinary? The former are like roses. You can admire these graceful natural creatures for a long time, consider the corrugated flower, which consists of many skirts with wavy edges. And it doesn't have to be the same color. It can be red, lilac, pink in the middle, and white at the edges.

Step 10
Nature also painted non-double varieties in an amazing way. On the lilac flower, she arranged the white stripes so that they form a shape that looks like a five-pointed star. There is a white stripe in the middle of each of the five red or lilac petals. Therefore, the variety was named "star".