How To Cut Loops

How To Cut Loops
How To Cut Loops

Table of contents:


Numerous knitting styles use the stitch cut technique. You will need to know this technique, for example, if you knit designs with a small rapport and want to cut the loops while maintaining the outline of the main pattern. To decrease the loops, in this case, an auxiliary knitting needle is used, with which you combine several loops and knit them in pairs.

How to cut loops
How to cut loops

It is necessary

auxiliary spoke


Step 1

Depending on how you subtract and knit the stitches together, the cut line may tilt to the left or right, and it may also be directed vertically. Accordingly, if the loops are tilted to the left during contraction, the top will be the right side of the loops, and if the loops are tilted to the right, then the left side will be the top.

Step 2

If you want the stitches to cut at an angle to the left, knit the same stitches on the right side of your knit at each decrease. At the same time, on the left side of the canvas, take new loops for cutting.

Step 3

In order for the loops to tilt to the right when decreasing, knit the same loops on the left side of the canvas, and on the right side use new loops for decrements. You will get a vertical line when cutting loops if you take new loops from both sides - both left and right.

Step 4

Use the auxiliary knitting needle - remove the desired number of stitches that you want to cut on it, and align them with the stitches on the main knitting needle. Knit the loops according to the pattern you are using on the main fabric, knitting two loops together - one loop should be on the main knitting needle and the other on the auxiliary knitting needle.

Step 5

If the pattern repeat is four stitches, then decrease four stitches. Slip two knit stitches and two purl stitches onto an auxiliary knitting needle, align the loops of the main and auxiliary knitting needles, and then knit two stitches twice with purl, and then knit the same number of times. You will get cut-back loops with a tilt to the left. Based on the described technology, you can also get a cut with a tilt to the right or with a vertical position of the loops that have been reduced.

Step 6

If the pattern rapport is equal to two loops, subtract two loops by removing one front loop and one purl loop on the auxiliary knitting needle, and then acting according to the scheme you already know.
