Mantra is a sequence of sounds filled with special vibrations. Each syllable of the mantra has a deep religious meaning, each sound is filled with meaning.

The difference between a mantra and prayer
Many people mistakenly assume that mantra is a common prayer in Buddhism, but this is not true. In prayer, it is not intonation, the sequence of words or the volume and purity of sounds that matters, but the openness of the soul and sincerity. In mantras, importance is attached to the correct pronunciation of sounds (as well as their writing).
Since ancient times, Eastern cultures have believed that words and sounds influence matter. Translated from Sanskrit, "mantra" means "liberation of the mind." Buddhists believe that the regular daily repetition of various mantras helps to purify the mind and soul and brings a person closer to liberation from all worldly suffering. All mantras are recited in Sanskrit, the most famous is the sacred Hindu mantra "Om", which is pronounced in a special way. The sound "m" should create a special, perceptible vibration, it should be pronounced on the exhale, while directing the breath to the lower abdomen, this is a long, viscous sound, it should be heard in the bones of your body. This is the best mantra to start this practice. You can hear how it is pronounced correctly, for example, on YouTube.
Maximum concentration
When reciting mantras, it is important to concentrate the mind and relax the whole body. It is best to recite mantras in a state of meditation, which requires special preparation. To do this, you can be like a yoga class, where already in the first classes they explain how to meditate correctly. It is not necessary to sit in the lotus position during meditation, you can choose any other comfortable sitting position, but at the same time your back should be absolutely straight. This makes it much easier to focus on your breath and concentrate on what's going on in your head.
You need to take mantras only from a trusted source. After all, any sound distortion makes their pronunciation meaningless. There are many unverified transcriptions on the Internet, so it is better to buy books by well-known authors, which explain in detail exactly how the mantras should be pronounced.
Any mantra should be recited one hundred and eight, twenty-seven, eighteen, nine or three times. In order not to lose count, you can use a rosary or bend your fingers. It is not recommended to recite several mantras at a time. Better to focus on one, and at the very beginning of the mantra "Om" will be more than enough. You need to read the mantra regularly until you feel qualitative changes in the process itself. After that, you can try to master another mantra, achieving perfection in its pronunciation.