Have you always dreamed of becoming an actor? You need to start with acting school, where you will get the basics of the profession. Review advertisements. Many schools have opened courses specifically designed to prepare for admission to theater schools.

What you need to know
Prepare the required amount in advance, training is not free. Prices are about the same everywhere, but the quality of training can vary greatly. Be sure to pay attention to the school's reputation and history. Check how many students have already left the educational institution. Pay attention to the year the school was founded. Call the school and ask a few questions. How often are groups recruited? How many students are there in the group? If there are few students in the school, new groups may rarely form. In addition, there is a likelihood of the collapse of existing groups and difficulties in staging performances.
Check if there are trial sessions. Stable acting schools conduct a trial lesson free of charge. You will appreciate the convenience of the premises, get acquainted with the teachers. Small private schools offer trial lessons for a fee. There are not many students in such institutions. Private schools should not be neglected for several reasons. Teachers are one of them. Find out what kind of work experience they have, in which performances they took part. It is good if teachers work at school for a long time. The fact is that experienced teachers know how to organize the learning process in an interesting way. Their students achieve impressive results.
Methodology, practice and payment
Pay attention to the school's specialization. Do you want to conquer the world of cinema? Or is your vocation to work on stage? Do you like taking part in amateur performances? Check what kind of education the school offers. Learn all about the methodology, that is, about what will be in the training program.
Find out how long the training will take. Typically, you will need three months to complete the course. Some schools offer a monthly payment. It is impossible without practice in acting. Be sure to find out if there will be performances on stage. It is very good if the school allows graduates to take part in a real performance.
Note that acting school is worth studying not only for those who dream of acting in films or playing in performances. The skills learned in school will come in handy in real life. You will be able to join without fear at scientific conferences, competently convey your thought to the audience. Lessons learned in school will give you confidence. The fear of the public will disappear. As you can see, it is worth signing up for anyone interested in acquiring useful skills. When concluding a contract for training, carefully read all the points. Ask any questions that arise.