You can take your harmonica with you wherever you go. It can easily fit in your pocket, and the sound gives you a good mood. It is played by both children and adults. In some blues ensembles, the accordion occupies an important place among the instruments, despite its small size.

Step 1
Take the accordion with the index and thumb of your left hand. Press to your lips. Hold it so that the holes from which high-pitched sounds are emitted are at the right corner of your mouth.
Step 2
For correct extraction of sounds, fold your lips so that when blowing in and out, air passes through only one pair of holes, the top and bottom holes. The modern harmonica school recommends holding the instrument deep in the lips. This will ensure the most intimate contact between the lips and the accordion.
Step 3
There are three ways to extract notes:
-the whistle method, also referred to as "lip-tube";
-blocking by language;
- "tongue with a tube", that is, the tongue is rolled up with a tube and placed exactly in front of the hole from which the sound is extracted.
Step 4
Keep your head up while playing. Remember to periodically shake out saliva and accumulated moisture. To do this, simply hit the palm of your hand with an accordion. It is also important to breathe correctly when playing the harmonica. There is an easy way to learn the correct breathing pattern. Play a single sound while placing the harmonica as deep as you can. Try not to use your lips and mouth muscles, concentrate completely on your breathing.
Step 5
After a few weeks of practicing to extract individual sounds, and having achieved positive results, you can try playing a scale. Watch yourself, when moving from one sound to another, not the head should move, but the accordion. The sequence of notes is played as a sequence of inhalation and exhalation. When playing in an ascending sequence, start with an exhalation; when playing in a descending sequence, start the opposite way.
Step 6
Don't be afraid to use language when playing. This is the most successful way to articulate. Notes will become more intelligible even at a fast pace. As you exhale, you make a movement, as when pronouncing the syllable "ta", while inhaling, "yes." The more combinations of letters, vowels and consonants you can pronounce, the more different sounds you get on the harmonica.