Knowing the letter designations of chords is necessary not only for the guitarist, but also for the keyboardist. Almost all modern keyboards play chords in much the same way as the piano. The letter designations of chords are the same for all instruments. The Latin letter g stands for a G minor chord.

It is necessary
- - piano keyboard:
- - table of scales, chords and arpeggios.
Step 1
If you're just getting started with the synthesizer, familiarize yourself with the key layout. The octave begins with the sound C, which is also referred to in Latin as C. Looking at the keyboard, you will see that the black keys are arranged in groups of two and three. Sound C is a white key to the left of the two black keys. There are no black keys between it and the note B adjacent to the left.
Step 2
Count from note to scale, find the note G. It is white and is in a group of three black keys, between the first and second, and this position is valid for any octave.
Step 3
Learn the structure of the minor triad. The lower third is small, the upper third is large. In a major chord, the opposite is true, a large third is at the bottom, a minor third at the top. In the minor third, one and a half tones. The distance between adjacent keys, regardless of their color, is half a tone. By counting one and a half tones from the note G, you get B flat - the black key on the far right in this group. It remains to define the third sound. Count two tones from B flat. The sound will be d. It is located between two black keys in a group of two.
Step 4
Once you've decided on the sounds, try hitting a chord. Press the G note with your right thumb and see which fingers are most convenient for you to pick up the rest of the sounds. For B flat, the index finger is most suitable, it is also the second in the musical notation. It is most convenient to take the D sound unnamed, but you can also use the middle one. The fact is that a chord most often consists not of three, but of four sounds. Therefore, you need to think about which finger to play the G note of the next octave. This is best done with the fifth finger, that is, with the little finger.
Step 5
Determine the fingering of the left hand. Here it is more convenient to do the opposite. Use your fifth finger to play G, your third (or middle) to B flat, and your first to D. Play the four-sound chord differently. With the fifth finger, press G in the same way, place the fourth finger on B-flat, press D with the second, and press the G of the next octave with the first.
Step 6
Having learned to confidently strike the main chord, move on to the appeals. Inversion is the movement of the bottom sound of a chord upward. The minor triad, like the major, has two inversions. The first is built from the sound of B flat and looks like B flat - D - G. Second, respectively. Built from re. In digital communications, addresses are written with a fraction, in the denominator of which there is a bass sound. But these chords can also be denoted by numbers. For example, g6 corresponds to the first inversion, that is, a sixth chord, and g46 corresponds to the second inversion, which is also a quartext chord.