Recommendations on how to prepare yourself for a mystical experience and a meeting with the unknown. As a result, you can witness both visual and auditory phenomena of a mystical nature. And already on the basis of his personal experience to argue about the existence of mysticism.

Now there is quite a lot of talk about mysticism, and how real it is. How can one check this or that mystical story about inner voices, gone UFOs or other phenomena. In fact, one can only try to check on oneself the possibility of the existence of such phenomena. How to do it?
Any textbook on magic, be it the recommendations of the French magician Papus of the early 20th century or the Great Esoteric Reference, will tell you that first of all, physical preparation is necessary.
First of all, you need to follow a diet for several days. In a state of hunger, our senses are heightened and we are able to feel better and brighter than being in a well-fed and contented state.
Of course, we can argue about what still helps our sense of mysticism - that our feelings are heightened and we are more likely to catch the signals of the other world or that our ability to think soberly becomes dull from hunger, but we are approaching a state of which hallucinations are possible?
Everyone can decide this question for themselves on their own, based on personal experience. It is difficult to present any other evidence or arguments.
So, to get a mystical experience, you have to adhere to a certain diet for several days. you can not eat foods rich in proteins and fats. You will have to give up meat, fish, dairy dishes and eggs. In addition, you will have to refrain from sweets. You can replace sweet with natural honey and fruits. You will also have to give up coffee and black tea. During these few days, you need to drink more water and eat extremely in moderation, even malnutrition.
If you are going to engage in mysticism, then you will have to do everything in accordance with the lunar cycle. It is best to start the diet on a full moon and continue for ten days. So that the end of the diet falls on the already disappearing moon.
Then it is best to go out of town, to a fool, but if this is not possible, try for the last two days of the diet to remove all fuss from yourself and completely immerse yourself in thought and contemplation. On the last day of the diet at dusk, you are completely alone, at rest. You can go to the park, in this case, try to go to the water.
Breathe deeply, try to drive away, stop all thoughts, just contemplate. Here in this state, if you are tuned in precisely to receive some mystical, inexplicable information, you are really able to receive news from the other world.