On Christmas time, it is customary to guess. Most often, this is done by young single girls who dream of opening the veil of secrecy and finding out at least a little about what the future spouse will be like. There are fortune-telling that is associated specifically with snow - nothing else is required, just wait for Christmas time.

Step 1
Exactly at midnight you need to go outside and take a handful of snow. We throw it against the wind. If the snow flew to the girl's face, then her future husband will be a young guy, if to the side - the husband will be much older.
Step 2
They throw a handful of snow in any direction and wait for the barking of the dog. It is on him that the future chosen one is determined. If the barking is deaf or rude, then this indicates that the husband will be somewhat older than his wife. If the dog's voice is clear or thin, then the spouse will be young.
Step 3
At night, you need to take a few steps through the freshly fallen snow and, without looking back at them, return home. In the morning we go to look at the result. If your footprints remained intact and nothing touched them, then life with your future husband will be calm, quiet and smooth. If the traces have been trampled by someone else or they are covered with snow, then the spouse can not wait for peace in his house.
Step 4
In the snow, you need to draw a large square measuring 2x2 meters. We divide it into 4 more equal squares and in each write the number 1, 2, 3 and 4 - to number. you need to make your most cherished wish, make a snowball, move a little away from the square, turn your back to it and throw a snowball over your head. And then we begin to guess. The number in which you fell will indicate whether a wish will come true or not:
1 - a huge probability that the plan will come true;
2 - the desire has a chance to come true or not 50/50;
3 - the dream will not come true;
4 - everything must come true.
Step 5
You need to fall back into the snow and go home without looking back. And in the morning we carefully examine the trail. If he was left untouched, then the husband will be docile and calm. If someone walked and ruined the print, then the spouse will be a brawler.