Most single girls constantly ask themselves the question - how to meet their betrothed, where to look for him and how to find out that it is him? Of course, no one can give concrete answers to such questions. But if you have already tried everything and searched everywhere, but are still alone, try to try to carry out a conspiracy to meet your betrothed.

Step 1
Before performing this ritual, make sure that there is no damage to your relationship or marriage. Strictly follow the procedure defined below and all the established rules during the ritual. Make sure you really want to find your love. If you just decided to check whether it will work or not, the ritual will not help you. Wait for snow or rain, substitute a vessel (glass, cup) under the rain so that water directly from the snow or rain will immediately enter the vessel. When the snow or rain stops, bring the container with the collected water inside. If it snowed outside, give it time to melt completely.
Step 2
To meet the betrothed, the conspiracy must be carried out exclusively on Friday, on the growing moon. It is advisable that you choose a day between 2 and 14 days of the lunar calendar (not to be confused with the solar). You can collect the water in advance by putting it in a cold place for safekeeping, but be sure to wait for the required day. On the appointed day, take the collected water and splash a few drops into each corner of your bed.
Step 3
Take the remaining water in your hands and sit down with it on the center of the bed. In this position, repeat three times: “I ask You through this sweet, fresh rain to present me with a person who will ease my sorrow of loneliness.” Leave the vessel with the remaining water open to allow the water to evaporate. Do not touch it until the vessel is completely empty.
Step 4
Do not check every half hour whether the liquid has evaporated or not. Just forget and stop thinking about it. To make it easier to do this, place the bowl on a high place so that you do not see it as often. After finishing the ritual, try to fall asleep, even if it happened in the morning. Do not change the ritual without first consulting a professional. Do everything exactly as it should.