How To Draw A Cactus With A Pencil

How To Draw A Cactus With A Pencil
How To Draw A Cactus With A Pencil

A cactus is just the perfect object for a budding artist. It can have the most bizarre shape. The prickly pear, consisting of several round or oval segments, is a long mamillaria, reminiscent of a Cereus rock - there are a lot of cactus species. So the artist, in order to draw a spectacular cactus, just need to be able to depict the simplest geometric shapes.

Consider the parts of the cactus
Consider the parts of the cactus

We start with a pot

A cactus, of course, can grow without any pot. But if you want to depict an indoor flower, draw it in a beautiful clay pot. It is better to lay the sheet vertically. Step back slightly from the bottom edge and draw a short, straight horizontal line approximately in the middle. Divide it in half and draw a perpendicular across the entire sheet.

Draw an isosceles trapezoid. It should be symmetrical about the centerline, with the longer base at the top. Connect the extreme points of the lower base with an arc, the convex part of which is directed downward. Connect the edges of the upper base in the same way.

Draw an arc that will be a mirror image of the first, that is, its convex part looks up. Round the corners. You should end up with a long oval. Trace the outlines with a soft pencil.

The pot can be of a different shape - for example, square. A cactus can also grow in a low box.

Which cactus to choose?

The simplest cactus is Cereus, its shape resembles a volcano during an eruption or a rock. That is, draw a figure of the most bizarre shape, decorate it with needles - and the drawing is ready. But it's better to try to draw a prickly pear.

Draw the first "cake" - a circle or an oval. Segments of prickly pear can be located as you like, so add a few more to the first "cake" in random order. Trace the outlines of each segment with a soft pencil. By the way, a cactus can be drawn immediately with colored pencils. Make the outlines and needles dark green.

In the same order, you can draw a cactus with charcoal or wax crayons.

Draw needles

It would seem that what could be easier than drawing needles. They are short, straight lines. But there is a subtlety here. The needles of a live cactus, of course, grow in different directions, but in the picture they should be located almost parallel to each other. They point upwards at a slight angle.

There are two ways to draw them. Draw short, straight lines with a soft pencil in quick strokes. You can depict the needles in the form of sharp corners, then they will be slightly shorter. If you want to depict a fluffy cactus, draw its outlines with a soft pencil, and then shade with a hard one, and the shading in this case should go beyond the outline.

To make the cactus look more fluffy, overlay two layers of strokes - from top to bottom and from right to left. The layers should not be very dense. If you draw with colored pencils, use light green shading.
