How To Catch A Chub

How To Catch A Chub
How To Catch A Chub

Table of contents:


Chub is a very shy and cautious fish. If he sees a human figure, he immediately leaves the place of catching. The chub leads a particularly active lifestyle in winter and summer. Having such an opportunity, experienced anglers catch a large number of fish this season. Chub prefers places with a hard bottom, pebble or sandy. A very important factor in the habitat of this predatory fish is clean and flowing water. You can catch chub in several ways - with a fishing rod, spinning, fly fishing and donkey.

How to catch a chub
How to catch a chub

It is necessary

  • - fishing rod,
  • - hooks,
  • - sinkers,
  • - float,
  • - bait.


Step 1

If you fish in winter, then of course you will not be able to do without an ice ax. But since the chub is very shy, you need to approach the punched holes quietly and carefully not earlier than 30 minutes after breaking through the ice. After that, the hole needs to be darkened - covered with snow, leaving only a small hole for the jig. In winter, you can use a homemade jig in the form of a silver droplet, the length of such a jig should be at least two centimeters. The hook is suitable for sizes 5-6, fishing line no more than 0.2 mm thick, and a winter fishing rod must also be equipped with a special nod and reel. Since the chub lives on the bottom, we lower the jig no higher than one meter above the bottom and make the oscillations with the fishing rod in the same way as when fishing for perch. The chub grabs the bait confidently, pulling it down. At this time, you need to make a small sweep and pull the fish out.

Step 2

In the summer, you can catch a chub with the simplest fishing rod. The best time to catch a chub is a quiet, calm and windless evening. The chub is very fond of a fast current, so you need to choose the right float so that it does not collapse during the current. The line reserve in the reel must be at least 50 meters. To catch small chub, use hooks numbered 10-12, excellent bait is a dragonfly larva or a crayfish neck. Attach the sinker 1.5 meters from the bait, and the float 20 centimeters from the sinker (the float must be large). Choose a place for casting 30 meters upstream and start up the tackle. It remains only to wait for the bites.

Step 3

Equip the donka with a hook of 7-10 sizes, the sinker should be flat and sufficient in weight. Tie the hook to a leash 30 centimeters higher than the sinker. Now we choose a suitable nozzle: in the summer - a beehive, crayfish neck, minnows and a bunch of worms, in the fall - a frog 5-7 centimeters long, which needs to be planted on a double hook of 6-8 sizes. Throw the prepared donk into places of medium and slow current with a pebble or sandy bottom. Noticing small bites, loosen the fishing line and feed it a little forward, then you need to hook up and fish out the chub.
