Astrologers note that with the onset of 2018, the position of the planets changes: Saturn passes into the sign of Capricorn. This means that the year will be quite difficult, because Saturn is a "serious" planet that has certain requirements for people.

However, if you know and fulfill them, then you can achieve a lot in all areas of life, in which it was not possible to advance before. Below are specific recommendations for people who want to succeed in 2018 - 2019.
What are these requirements?
1. The first thing that Saturn will bring us is an encounter with reality. This will be expressed in the fact that a person will receive what they deserve only according to the results of work, without a "freebie". In addition, during this period, what was laid down by your efforts in previous years will be realized. Therefore, it is better to live not empty fantasies and dreams, but strive to fulfill specific practical tasks.
2. Restriction. How to understand this? Do not allow yourself to spend unnecessarily over the budget; take loans as little as possible, if you are not sure exactly what you will pay off; to have a rest to ride only on the earned; keep yourself within the framework of morality and ethics. If we combine the astrological forecast with the Chinese horoscope, we will see that this is a year of loyalty and devotion, honesty and openness. These are the moral requirements that this period will present to every person.
3. Saturn will require discipline. He does not like slack people who live without plans and goals. As one astrologer said: “If you don’t learn to live in an orderly manner, Saturn will put you in such conditions that you will have to learn, willy-nilly. The first thing that comes to mind is a hospital, an army and a prison with their strict routine. Therefore, the regime of each day is important, as well as planning for 5 years, a year, a month and further downward. And the main thing is the fulfillment of these plans.
4. Observance of subordination and respect for superiors. Same as in the army: first follow the order, and then challenge it. Gratitude to the parents for what they brought into the world; respect for the leader, no matter how "ugly" he may seem to you; awareness of their real place in the family, team, society. If necessary - the ability to put in place the one who is lower in the hierarchy. And awareness of their place in this very hierarchy.
5. Order in everything. In deeds, thoughts, in the apartment and at the workplace. Everything should be on the shelves and in its place - Saturn does not allow confusion. He will require finishing unfinished business and completing projects, no matter how difficult it may seem. Therefore, it is better to agree to this voluntarily.
6. Self-development. Saturn patronizes spiritually advanced people and welcomes continuous improvement. However, this development without a bias in the occult and magic - it is better to develop your personal qualities. How to do it? Set yourself a goal: to get rid of one bad habit per month. And replace it with another useful one. This is the simplest thing you can do yourself. But this is also the most difficult thing, since a person allows himself a lot and puts off these things "for later." Better yet, set a goal to get rid of some negative character trait, say, in 3 months, and replace it with the opposite one. Books and transformational trainings will help with this.
This is the most basic thing that Saturn will require from each of us.
The general meaning of life during this period is this: nothing guarantees security, except for hard work and personal responsibility for your life and the lives of loved ones. Moreover, this should be a voluntary decision of a person, without whining and discontent - then Saturn will become a faithful assistant in all achievements.