Chakras are human energy centers. The health of a person and his attitude to the world depend on how harmoniously they work. A baby comes into this world as a pure being, his chakras work perfectly. But the modern rhythm of life contributes to their closure and blocking. Eastern practices will help a person to activate the chakras again.

Step 1
Singing mantras contributes to the harmonious work of the chakras. Each chakra has its own mantra. The first chakra - Muladhara - is located just below the genitals. The mantra of Muladhara is LA. The second chakra - Svadhishthana - covers the lower abdomen. The mantra is YOU. The manipura chakra is located in the navel area. Activated by the sound of the PAM. The fourth chakra - Anahata - is concentrated in the area of the solar plexus. For this chakra, use the Yam mantra. The Vishuddha Chakra is located near the larynx. The sound of HAM facilitates its opening. The sixth chakra - Ajna - is located in the "third eye" area. It is activated by the mantra AUM. Sahasrara is the seventh chakra, located just above the crown of the head. Its maximum activation occurs when other chakras work in unison, and a person has found inner peace and harmony with the world.
Step 2
It is necessary to chant mantras in a comfortable environment. It is better if in the room you will be alone or with like-minded people striving, like you, to harmony with the Universe. Sit in a comfortable meditative position, close your eyes, fold the fingers on both hands into Jani Mudra (the pads of the thumb and forefinger touch each other, the rest of the fingers are straightened). First, focus on your natural breathing, observe how you take each inhalation and exhalation. When all thoughts leave your consciousness and your mind is completely cleared of everyday worries, start chanting mantras. If you want to act on all the chakras at once in one practice, then chant the mantras, starting with Muladhara and ending with Sahasrara. You can also affect one chakra in one session if you feel a blockage in the part of the body for which it is responsible. Sing with pleasure, dissolving into your own voice and sound, filled with ancient energy. When you are finished chanting, sit a little longer, listening to the sensations in your own body.
Step 3
Use meditation to activate the chakras. After entering a meditative state, focus on the genital area - Muladhara. Try to imagine a red energy ball. Similarly, move from chakra to chakra, observing the intensity of the color of each one. Svadhishthana is orange, Manipura is yellow, Anahata is green, Vishudha is blue, Ajna is purple, and Sahasrara is shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. If you managed to imagine all seven chakras, and the colors were bright enough, then they work harmoniously. If any of the chakras, on the contrary, remained gray, then you should pay special attention to their activation. Come out of meditation gradually and consciously.