How To Describe Your Look

How To Describe Your Look
How To Describe Your Look

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As a popular proverb says, they are greeted by their clothes, and escorted by their minds. From what first impression we make on a potential employer, spouse, work collective, by and large, depends on the key in which subsequent relations will develop. Despite the fact that the initial opinion about a person is often deceptive, emotions are deposited at an unconscious level and it is not so easy to change them in the future, it is almost impossible.

How to describe your look
How to describe your look


Step 1

Speak the truth. First, in any case, sooner or later it will come out. Secondly, the chance of finding the most suitable job or partner in this case is much higher. Nobody can be anything other than who he really is.

Step 2

Emphasize your strengths, but this shouldn't sound like an ode to yourself. Also, you should not go overboard in order to please. The performance should be sufficiently restrained, objective, close to reality and not devoid of self-esteem.

Step 3

You shouldn't talk too much about your shortcomings, but you can't not talk about them either. It is necessary to observe a fine line between admitting weaknesses that each of us is not without, and open criticism, emphasized by self-doubt.

Step 4

It is necessary to talk about your aspirations, plans for the future. A person devoid of interests automatically becomes uninteresting. When applying for a job, you can tell that in the near future you plan to learn English, master any computer program, and acquire any other professional skills.
