To make a papier-mâché horse mask, you have to do double work. First, you need to sculpt a blank - practically a small "sculpture". Only after that it will be possible to start directly creating the mask. Such an investment of time and effort will surely pay off - the realism of the finished mask will impress others.

Step 1
Search the internet for a full face and profile photo of a horse's head. It will be easier for you to recreate its shape from the sample. Roughly calculate the proportions of your craft to make the horse recognizable.
Step 2
Make a template for the mask. The upper part must be sculpted over the face of the person who will wear the mask. From sculpted plasticine make a plate 1.5 cm thick. Apply it on the face from the hairline to the middle of the nose and carefully sculpt the shape. Carefully remove the half mask and set aside for a while. Make the lower part of the workpiece - directly the horse's face. Sculpt it from a single piece of plasticine, focusing on the found photographs and proportions. Keep in mind that the width of the mask should be the same as the width of the person's face. Connect the two blanks by smearing the edges of the plasticine. Make holes for the eyes and nose. Build the horse's brow ridges with thin layers of plasticine. Using a stationery knife, cut the "blank" exactly in half lengthwise.
Step 3
Prepare your papier-mâché material. Pull thin paper into small pieces - for example, for a printer. Pour water into any container and fold about a fifth of the paper there. When it softens, overlay the outer sides of the template in pieces, trying to make an even layer without gaps and bulges. Put the second one in the same way. Then grease the entire surface with paste or PVA. Continue to lay out the layers, alternating between water and glue as the binder. When 5-7 layers are ready on each half, leave the craft to dry for 3 days.
Step 4
Make horse ears using the same technology. When they are dry, glue them to the mask. Remove the dried workpieces and connect them with PVA and bandage strips. Then lay out another layer of papier-mâché. Dry the mask.
Step 5
Paint the horse's face with acrylic paints. It is more convenient to apply the main color with a foam sponge, and small parts with a thin synthetic brush.