To reflect in the drawing the differences between the elderly and the young, it is necessary to reproduce the structural features of the skeleton, use darker colors for the skin and depict clothes that correspond to age and social status.

Step 1
Start drawing an ordinary person, but as you create your drawing, bring in some of the features that are typical for people over middle age. First, sketch out the human body with short strokes. Observe the proportions between the sizes of the limbs, torso and head. In old age, people "dry out" slightly, so sometimes the head seems disproportionately large on a thin neck and thin shoulders.
Step 2
Reflect in the picture that older people have a different posture than middle-aged people or young people. Draw a slightly hunched over, as if under weight, back, shoulders drooping slightly down. Also pay attention to the legs - in an elderly person, they are not completely straight, but slightly bent at the knees. Draw a walking stick or walking stick if desired.
Step 3
Remember that a person's age is the first thing that betrays the face. Its color in old people is more yellow, the skin is no longer transparent, pigmentation spots may be present on the face. Reflect in the drawing the fact that the lips of older people are thinner, and their corners are directed downward. In the corners of the eyes, draw a network of wrinkles, draw the eyelids heavy, and the iris more cloudy than in young people. In addition, in old age, the nasolabial folds are more pronounced than in youth. Draw gray hair - it can be gray or completely white. If you are drawing an older man, draw bald patches on his head.
Step 4
Pay special attention to your hands. In addition to the fact that in old people they are covered with wrinkles and age spots, the hands often look twisted, and the knuckles are enlarged, this is a consequence of age-related arthritis. The nails on the hands of the elderly are also "middle-aged", with longitudinal grooves, of a yellowish color.
Step 5
Draw clothes that are age appropriate. Remember that older people generally dress slightly differently than young people. Therefore, you should not draw a woman over sixty in trendy denim, it is better to limit yourself to a classic blouse and a straight skirt. The same rule applies to hairstyles and shoes.