Sometimes it's so nice when you can joke with merciless time. Anti-clock, or reverse clock, is a good prevention against stereotyped thinking. And although no one has yet been able to invent a time machine, it is possible to create the illusion of “reverse time”.

But you can't turn back time …
The clock going backwards is amazing. Many people would like to go back in order to correct mistakes, make a different decision and take a different path in life. Scientists-theorists suggested that if you go back to the past, unique changes will occur in the human body: the voice, hair color will change. Absolutely everything can change, up to the gender of a person. People who study temporal anomalies argue that the external resemblance of people is also a trick of the time. However, in whatever direction the hour hands go, time passes and it cannot be returned.
We make anti-clock
So, take a regular Chinese alarm clock. You can also purchase a separate movement from a craft store. Remove the decorative case from the alarm clock. Remember to remove the battery, if any. Remove the two wheels that move the arrows. Remove the hands themselves: second, minute, hour and to set the alarm. Be sure to remember the sequence of the arrows to further simplify the assembly process. Take off the paper watch face, but don't throw it away. It will still come in handy.
Turn the mechanism over. On the back, find the lever that switches the clock from ON "on" / OFF "off". Move the lever to the ON position. Carefully remove the cover from the mechanism.
Before proceeding to the next step, remember the location of the movement. In order not to get confused, use a camera. Having photographed, you can safely remove the wheels, take out the coil and core. Be careful not to rip the wires.
Flip the core over and reinsert the coil. This is the main principle of the clock vice versa. Now replace the core. If it is not included (a similar problem may arise because the core was turned over, and where the obtuse angle was, now it is sharp), just adjust the plastic base to the size of the core with a clerical knife. Assemble the mechanism. And don't forget to put the battery back in.
About the dial
You no longer use the old, classic dial in such watches, since the time is already running back. That is, when the hands point to two o'clock, they will point to eleven, and so on. This is where you can use your creativity and your own ideas. Draw, create an original watch face. You can use any materials at hand for this. For example, a vinyl record. The clock, the hands of which go in the opposite direction, will become an unusual decoration of the interior and emphasize the individuality of the owner of the home.